Warning in Canada. 33 people died because of the heat. How long does hell last?


  Alert in Canada. 33 people died because of the heat. How long does hell

Alert in Canada. 33 people died because of the heat. How long does hell last?

The heat wave that hit eastern Canada for nearly a week has left at least 33 people dead in Quebec, local authorities said Thursday.

A total of 18 deaths were reported in Montreal, the regional director of the Ministry of Public Health of this city, Mylène Drouin, at a press conference

That said, the victims in Montreal are mainly men aged 53 to 85 years old vulnerable situations and who do not have air conditioners. The other deaths were recorded in other regions of the French-speaking province.

The Environment Canada weather agency predicts for Thursday a maximum temperature of 35 degrees Celsius, with an index of humidity (which refers to the temperature of the human body) up to 45 degrees [19659005TheheatwaveepisodeisexpectedtodeclineonThursdaynightandtemperatureswilldropfrom23to25degreesinthenextfewdays

. I am wholeheartedly alongside the people of Quebec, "Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wrote on Twitter, advising his fellow citizens to" protect themselves and their families. "

No deaths have yet been reported from heat in the neighboring province of Ontario, also affected by high temperatures. In 2010, a heat wave caused the death of a hundred people in the Montreal area.

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