Warning. One of the most toxic fungi in the world is growing in Moldova


Mushroom poisoning has recently increased in our country. A single poisonous mushroom mixed with edible mushroom can kill an adult in less than a day. The situation is alarming, especially as one of the most toxic fungi in the world is developing in the Moldovan region I.

Even at the edge of Iaşi, the forests contain in large quantities the poison that can reach our body, if we are not careful. The sponge vine is responsible for most of the mushroom poisoning

"It is one of the most toxic fungi in the world, which is also found in our country. This is what is called the "hat of death" because only a few milligrams are enough to be deadly, "says Elisabeta Ifrim, journalist Digi24

The sponge of the viper seems harmless, looks like to edible mushrooms, has a pleasant smell and is very tasty. Can be easily confused.

" With mushroom, white fungus.When it is white and can be confused.When it comes, it can be confused with a species of Russula," says Teodor Robu, prorector at the University of Science agricultural and veterinary medicine.

The deadly mushroom can be found anywhere, except in mountain areas.It contains one of the most dangerous natural poisons known, a toxin that does not can be destroyed by any cooking method.

" Symptoms appear after 8, up to 40 hours, when you have nothing left to do, act silent but irreversible. Affects the liver cell. It is good to avoid dangerous mushroom pickers. For example, if she has white eyelashes, do not take it, "says Teodor Robu.

A few days ago, three members of a family from Bacau arrived at the hospital in serious condition after eating mushrooms picked in the woods. A person needed a liver dialysis and may even need a liver transplant if it does not come back.

"They ate all three, my brother and my parents, and now I'm in the emergency," says one member " There are three serious people, my father and a child suffering from major abdominal pain after eating mushrooms, "says Zorila Tereza Blanka, UPU doctor at Bacau Hospital

But worse. He was first transferred to Parhon Hospital of Iasi. Then there were the parents

" It was necessary to perform emergency liver dialysis in case of emergency," says Dr. Ionut Nistor, spokesman for the Parhon Hospital, Iaşi

Since the beginning of this month, 11 people have poisoned with mushrooms at Bacau County Hospital


liver transplant


poisonous mushrooms

Mushroom poisoning

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