Watch out for the dreams of this night!


You play a little with the options at your disposal, because they are a little larger, which inspires your feeling that whatever you choose, everything will be fine. You look with a touch of innocence and naivety around you and you are convinced that everything will evolve in a very good direction, no matter how you go.

It's good to be so optimistic and confident in what life gives you, but do not joke! Playing too much luck is not always a reason for joy, because luck can reach you at some point. Is it time to look at things from a mature point of view and decide: times – times?

The relationship you contribute to momentarily evolves in a promising way, but you do not have the rhythm forever! Continue to invest trust, good thoughts, beautiful gestures, appropriate words, because everything is a long-lasting process in which you are not allowed to tire yourself.

Every new investment made in this relationship contributes to the level at which you are heading. one day, you will reap the rewards of these efforts. Do not stop, do not lie on the laurels of victory, if you have reached a good level, but keep giving, devote yourself to this relationship that improves day by day. But you can do better!

Do not cling so much to the little things, but you must treat them with more humor, as if you did not mind discovering anything. Smile at the small bumps that show up, laugh at who knows what a boa can do, take a little over the leg even in the most severe conditions, as it takes a more amused attitude to the challenges of fate [19659003] for no reason at all, you will see that things get worse again, a cheerful attitude, as if everything was a flower in your ear, it helps you find a much faster release of the mess.

Although everything seems to go too simple, almost effortlessly, you will see that everything is still a very good planning point. Nothing is accidental in the sense that you almost follow it, as such, although it seems to be a game, it's still a strategy game! There are rules to follow, and strict limits, but your chance is that you only see the positive side of this process without clinging to what you do not have the right to do

. At the end of this exercise, you can say at the end that everything has been done exactly as you wanted. (19659003) HOROSCOP LEU
Look around to see how many people have gathered around you! Do not control, but let the wave go: go anywhere! It's a pleasure to socialize, talk and build new relationships because this day helps you to increase your circle of knowledge extremely easily. Imagine today that you are making a quick collection of dozens of business cards that one day you will use in the sense that many people with whom you have the chance to come in today in the contract will play at some point

Remember, remember the girls, the names, the functions in the society, so that you can use once and for all the so-called friendship with which you treat today 39; hui. And they will keep you in mind, and they will look for you one day

Nobody understands them better than you, those who have nothing that does not find their way in life. Perhaps because you have lived similar moments and you can easily put yourself in the shoes of the other. You have a particular talent to understand whoever, to understand perfectly what he feels in order to console him best.

Do not cry with him to accept his abandonment in the burden, but on the contrary on your shoulders part of the problem that presses him and you show him, for example personal, that nothing is impossible, like the jump the most complicated can be overcome if you get rid of fears and weaknesses. (19659003) BALANCE OF HOROSCOP

To fulfill a dream, it is possible to do what he wants, not to be captive in the prison of negative thoughts and to be able to to be freed. The first thing to do is … to dream, of course, so stop a bit of daily commotion and you have the courage to put on those castles you want! Do not be intimidated by those who tell you ironically that you run green horses on the walls. Do not give up illusions, fantasies, wonderful retreats in your secret thoughts.

All this builds your future reality, because only those who have the courage to dream are rewarded. Let the fantasy fly where it wants, let it create in every detail, then be patient, believing you are on the right track!

If now, at this moment, you are tempted to say that nothing changes according to the plans, it continues in the same way. Trust the end results, despite the obstacles that are nothing more than an attempt to prove that you are not blamed with one.

Yeah, I can be boring bumper, long periods of waiting, but no matter how hard it is to climb, but just what is waiting for you at the top. (19659003) HOROSCOPE SAGGATOR
Nothing is eternal, especially with regard to feelings, feelings, so do not hope that something makes you happy now you will keep so well and so well. Keep everything you feel now, just what can really help you. Staying tight in the emotion, good or bad, will prove to be a disadvantage, as you will tend to look at things from the same angle without realizing that there is something wrong with it. other aspects on the edge

Do not treat everything so radical – that it's perfect or horrible – because there are also gray and medium areas and periods where nothing happens, but it all happens [19659003] HOROSCOP CAPRICORN
Some can not really do what I promise today so vehemently, because sooner or later you will find that it was just their mouth! They venture in directions that they can not reach, make commitments that they can not respect, and it's frustrating to stay put because of the exaggerations of those who do not know how to calculate their numbers. forces

. you depend on them and then you disturb all your plans, you better not listen to what I promise. Just hit your chest for what I can do, but you'll find that they can not follow the word. Do not believe in these praiseworthy but helpless men!

Sometimes you do not even have to go to great lengths to make your dreams come true. Just send in your ether your great desires and expect to manifest. There is a law of the universe that draws in your way everything you think, from where you have to start your own personal effort: take care of what you think, what you create with your own spirit, from what you really allow to enter your life [19659003] Rest and meditate, you enjoy this seemingly passive state of mind, but you do not stand at all at this moment, because that your mind builds fantastic worlds that are likely to materialize in a day because you are convinced that your thoughts reach

You could have a dream with connotations Specials tonight, so try to focus on these symbols, both at bedtime and wake up. It can be a special astral message for your soul, which gives you the guarantee that you are protected that you are on the right track.

You need something to break the uncertainty that is pressing you, that is why you are looking for an answer to any way you have access. Regardless of your beliefs, spirituality may be the way to get to that answer faster, so pray, meditate, read, think, because you will end the day a little wiser and a little lighter. You can even have the revelation of your personal mission on this earth.

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