Weather favors West Nile disease


Now and in Romania

Until now, these diseases seemed to be specific to other countries, only between May 2 and May 24, there were five cases of meningoencephalitis of West Nile in two different regions of the country: in Dolj, two cases, and in Brăila, Iaşi and Olt a case

The doctors of the Public Health Department of Bihor say that the current weather situation in Romania promotes the development of vectors: rain followed by periods of heating. Floods in some parts of the country

According to data from the National Institute of Public Health, not only in Romania, there are cases of West Nile virus, but also in other European countries . Thus, 19 cases of West Nile virus infection in Greece (12 cases), Italy (4 cases), Hungary (1 case) and 29 cases in Serbia in the western counties of Banat were confirmed. In Bihor, there is not yet

In Bihor County, there is no case or suspicion of infection with West Nile virus, but it is still necessary to implement the measures to prevent infection, emphasizes the inspectors of the DSP Bihor:

"At the community level, the local authorities of the communes, communes and communes must put in place firm and effective measures to fight against the population of mosquitoes in areas of lakes, ponds and areas at risk (rural areas) and rehabilitation of underground basins, areas with parks and green spaces in urban areas. "

individual level, every citizen must prevent the West Nile virus from mosquito bites that squirm by avoiding exposure to mosquitoes, especially outside, at dusk and at dawn, when the mosquitoes are more active when wearing long-sleeved clothes e t long pants.

mosquitoes (applied to the skin and / or the environment) to prevent mosquitoes from entering the dwelling (by installing the site at the windows, doors), but also to drain the basins from Water around households and remove vases with flowers, etc., which allow mosquitoes to multiply). Doctors advise on biohazard households and often change the water of vessels for the welfare of animals, avoiding stagnation

Good to know

Even though the virus is transmitted by mosquito bite infected, the infection is not transmitted infected, and the most effective prevention method is to avoid thirst bites

When the symptoms of the disease appear, patients should contact their doctor, in Avoiding treatment

How West Nile virus is transmitted and what symptoms it causes

West Nile virus affects the central nervous system, warns doctors DSP Bihor, who transmit:
· 80% of the infected person 20% have mild symptoms: fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, rash, inflammation of the lymph nodes
· 1 perso only one in 150 can develop a severe form of high fever, headache, disorientation, coma meningitis
· Children,
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