Weight changes can be the cause of many health problems. Find out how you find them


Weight gain is not just an aesthetic problem, but one that can cause you serious health problems. Whether it's liver problems, spleen disorders, or even hormonal and enzymatic disorders, here are the symptoms that you need to pay attention to and what types of investigations you can do to to find them:

Commonly known as fatty liver disease or hypertrophy, fatty liver is manifested by the accumulation of adipose tissue in the liver and inflammation, which can be measured by comparing the liver enzymes. Steatohepatitis can also progress to cirrhosis or even cancer.

Hepatic steatosis may be alcoholic or non-alcoholic and, symptomatically, manifest as fatigue, weakness or pain in the subcostal region of the right side of the body. . The first investigations that you must perform to detect it are blood tests for the measurement of liver enzymes.

If signs indicate liver disease, imaging procedures will follow. The price of an abdominal ultrasound is not very high, and abdominal ultrasound imaging is the main imaging method to examine these conditions. However, your doctor will suggest other tests like computerized tomography or MRI to validate the diagnosis, so get ready for this series of analyzes.

Type 2 Diabetes

Unlike type 1 diabetes, the causes of which can be genetic, infectious or related to a weakened immune system, type 2 diabetes occurs because of a way of life unhealthy. Inappropriate nutrition can be a factor in its appearance. Obesity is an important risk factor for type 2 diabetes.

That is why body mass oscillations can be a problem that also involves resistance to the disease. insulin. Common symptoms of type 2 diabetes include the need for increased hydration (thirst), frequent urination, but also weight loss because the body no longer metabolizes glucose and uses fat and fat deposits for energy

Type 2 diabetes can be diagnosed by measuring blood glucose. Glycosuria is another commonly used test, and oral glucose tolerance tests can also be used for the accuracy of the results.

Cardiac Disorders

Overweight persons have increased risks regarding the incidence of heart and circulatory disorders. From angina to heart attack, there are a number of diseases associated with weight gain and obesity. In fact, the heart rate also changes during the process of weight gain.

The blood cholesterol level is also increased when overweight, and the hypertension associated with weight gain may in turn increase. (19659005) In order to diagnose heart and vascular problems, a series of analyzes and investigations such as electrocardiogram, blood analysis (including measuring the level of bad cholesterol ), the measurement can be made blood pressure, nuclear magnetic resonance test (MRI, which can detect blockages or tumors in the blood vessels, but also the dimensions of the walls of the heart chamber) or ultrasound intracardiac Suddenly unexplained weight changes may indicate the occurrence of more serious conditions that need to be treated seriously. Talk to your doctor before you begin the investigation and, depending on how you feel, will tell you where to turn and what you can do.

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