West Nile virus was confirmed in Iasi by a man mumbled by a mosquito


The 67-year-old man arrived at the St. Paraskeva infectious diseases hospital in Iaşi with specific symptoms of West Nile virus infection

"C & # 39 is a confirmed case in the hospital The patient is a 67 year old man who has a favorable evolution to date.The disease is transmitted by mosquitoes.Our tip is to limit the exposure to the areas mosquitoes, particularly with regard to climatic and meteorological changes that favor their development.Mosquitoes have recently developed due to the humidity, and we must be careful.We also consider this cause, in any suspicion. of meningitis, "said Professor Carmen Dorobat, Manager of the Infectious Disease Hospital, for Ziarul de Iasi

How to Transmit West Nile Virus. Mosquito bites should not be neglected

Five cases of meningitis or West Nile meningoencephalitis have been detected and recorded in Romania since the start of surveillance on May 2, 2018. The Ministry of Health states that 39, there are sporadic cases

The Department of Health recommends to the population several protective measures, including:

  • avoid exposure to mosquitoes
  • long-sleeved clothing and long pants
  • ] avoid areas with high vegetation and high humidity (parks, forests, stagnant water, etc.)
  • use of chemical repellents against mosquitoes
  • providing measures for the drainage of ponds around households and l & # 39; removal of stamps and garbage.

In 2017, from May 9 to November 15, 66 cases were reported West Nile virus infection, including 14 deaths – six in Bucharest, two in Teleorman and one in Buzau, Braila, Olt, Ialomita, Dambovita and Giurgiu

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