What a gift Prince Harry and Meghan Markle received from Elizabeth II


Queen Elizabeth II never concealed her preference for her youngest nephew, Prince Harry, who, after making him a spectacular wedding gift, even quadrupled him once.

<img class = "wp-image-2436568 size-full" src = "https://www.viva.ro/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Meghan-Markle-in-rochie-neagra- 6.jpg "alt =" Queen Elizabeth II, with her grandchildren William and Harry and their wives, Kate and Meghan

<img class = "wp-image-2436568 size-full" src = "https: / /www.viva.ro/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Meghan-Markle-in-rochie-neagra-6.jpg "alt =" Queen Elizabeth II, with her grandchildren William and Harry, and their Wives, Kate and Meghan, 19659004] It is known that the grandfather's love for his grandchildren is endless, and the ruler of Britain is no exception, especially with respect to his nephew Harry. And if some of us have had one of our grandparents' grandparents, it is not surprising that the queen allowed him to give a manor to a young man. Immediately after the wedding, Harry and Meghan received from Elizabeth II the York Cottage of Sandringham, and recently the ruler made his two grandchildren an unexpected surprise.

Historic residence, donated by Elizabeth II

Although Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have already built the nest of Nottingham Cottage, located on the territory of Kensington Palace, a property of 120,000 square meters, their grand- Mother, Elizabeth II, thought to surprise their grandchildren with an invaluable gift only two months after their wedding and gave them a stunning historic Manor House – Adelaide Cottage – located on the grounds of Windsor Castle. The beautiful building belonged to Peter Townsend, the famous lover of Princess Margaret, sister of the queen. The residence has a Greek-Egyptian marble fireplace, and the ceiling is covered with golden dolphins and ropes used formerly on the Royal George Royal Yacht

<img class = "size-full wp-image-2437574" src = " https://www.viva.ro/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Adelaide-Cotage.jpg "alt =" Adelaide Cottage – The Elizabeth II Gift for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.] Adelaide Cottage – The Gift from Elizabeth II to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

The mansion will be of particular importance to the newlyweds, and not just because it has housed a beautiful story of love But also because it's near St. Chapel George, which is also on Windsor Castle, where Prince Harry and Meghan got married and spent a lot of time in the last year. Duke of Sussex will have his own house very close to where they linked their destinies.

Photo: Hepta, Instagram

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