What diseases are you prone to, according to the zodiac


Did you know that there are people prone to certain diseases according to the zodiac? In addition, zodiacs react differently when they become ill. Here are the 12 signs of the zodiac!


Marked by the influence of Mars, Aries is the most dynamic of the zodiac. As Mars governs the head and the face, the two cerebral hemispheres, the eyes, the pineal gland and the teeth, the "children" of the zodiac, as they say in native Aries, always have a scar in their head, a sign of their nature. adventurous. 19659004] Diseases: Most often, rams suffer from migraines, neuralgia, insomnia or fainting.

How they react to the disease: Because of the exceptional energy they have, the rabbis fight very well against the disease. Most of the time, the affections are in acute forms, but their energy makes them recover very quickly. Aries is the kind of people who do not complain and who prefer to retire when they get sick

What makes them sick: the monotony, the lack of challenges, the existential problems or projects that they do not do not end

] Taurus

Taurus is under the sign of the planet Venus, which embodies fertility. In the human body, the zodiac bull governs the throat, tonsils, larynx and pharynx, neck, ears, and thyroid gland.

Diseases: Because they sometimes have an exaggerated taste, bulls often suffer from stomach, tonsillitis and laryngitis. and diseases of the genital tract

How does it react to the disease: the bull is known for stubbornness, which makes him go to the doctor only in the last minute. When he goes to a consultation, the bull is very careful about the medications prescribed by the doctor and only takes them in case of absolute necessity

What makes them sick: tired tiredness, unhealthy diet, stress and afraid of losing material comfort


Although they are agile, fast and particularly skilled, native twins are not endowed with physical strength. Mercury, their dominant planet, gives them a nervous and dynamic temperament, and they have great availability for communication. In the human body, twins are considered the governors of the upper respiratory tract, lungs, shoulders and hands.

Diseases: Twins often suffer from anxiety, overwhelming tendencies, frequent injuries to the hands and shoulders, acute reaction of the lungs

How does it react to the disease: twins are difficult patients, because they want to do right now. Despite this, they forget to take their medication on time and tend to say that nothing is wrong with them, although they do not feel well.

What makes them sick: loneliness, restrictions, presence in an environment


In the human body, the raccoon corresponds to the stomach, duodenum, At the lower part of the esophagus, at the breasts and at the tip of the lungs. Diseases: Cats usually experience fluid retention in the body, disorders of the digestive system, poisoning or bladder problems

How do they react to diseases: Raccoons become irritable and do not support anyone around them d & # 39; them. The only people they trust are the doctors they will do before continuing their investigations.


Born in a strong and vibrant zodiac sign, the lions are not very skilled in their efforts, and this ends up avenging their health. They also tend to be neglected

Diseases: hypertension, heart disease, spinal disorders, eye disorders, sunstroke

How to respond to the disease: prefer to stay 24 hours at work than to go to the doctor and is a disgusting patient, precisely because he has a pathological fear of doctors.

What makes them sick: when their reputation suffers, loss of service, professional or family failure, loss of popularity, premature aging


Governed by the planet Mercury, virgins have a innate interest in health, preferring to resort to natural remedies

Diseases: Digestive problems, abdominal pain, kidney stones and liver diseases. they react to the disease: the virgins make regular checks, so that they are seldom taken unprepared by some affection

(19659004) Libra

Refined and artistic expressions, balances have low vitality and show a tendency to laziness, which makes them avoid exercise

Diseases: Scales are prone to scratches and persistent migraines due to lack of physical exercise. Generally, natives of this zodiac sign suffer from kidney problems, hormonal disorders, and urinary tract infections.

How does he react to the disease: when he is in distress, balances do not really like everyone to know many doctors, for a good diagnosis. (19659004) Scorpion

Scorpion signs sexual organs, rectum, prostate, anus, reproductive and erection functions, regenerative power, sexual desire, and procreative power

Diseases : Genital abnormalities and various digestive disorders

How they react to the disease: because they have an innate fear of hospitals and everything (19659004) Sagittarius




Sagittarius [19659003] The natives of this sign seem to have no measure when it comes to the pleasures of life. That's why I do not care about food or drink. (19659004) Diseases: Liver and pancreas disorders, hip pain, sciatic nerve disorders, fractures or skin conditions

How does it respond to the disease? In general, Sagittarians are optimistic, which is why they heal quickly enough.

What makes them sick: the non-fulfillment of ideals, betrayal and failure in love


a tense, tense temperament, often prone to depression, and sedentary lifestyle suffered by many natives of these zodiacs can affect their mental state.

Diseases: eating disorders, migraines, skin diseases, bone diseases, rheumatism,

How does it react to the disease: it very rarely falls ill, but when it alarms everyone

] What makes them sick: a situation


Eccentric sons and nervous temperament, the natives of this sign easily accumulate stress, especially mental.

Diseases: Heart Disease, Nervous System, Wrist, or Circulatory Problems

How to respond to the disease: Aquarians are very cooperative when it comes to treating a disease and are treated like a book [19659004] What causes them: loss of independence, lack of plans for the future, stress


Governed by the Planet Neptune, the zodiac of the fish governs the lower limbs, the lymphatic system and the psyche as a whole

Diseases: intestinal diseases, mental disorders, nervous disorders, alcoholism

How to react to the disease: and do many investigations. Sometimes he is treated without consulting the doctor.

What makes them sick: overwork, exclusion from certain social backgrounds, restrictions of daily life (which seem unbearable)

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