What diseases can affect your sex life


Heart Disease

It is true that the American Cardiac Association has assured heart patients and heart attack patients that their health was not endangered when they were not in danger. they had sex

However, some people must be careful, that is why sexually unpleasant feelings can occur. This is the case of overweight because during orgasm, the tension increases dangerously.

If the doctor declared that the patient was fit for exercise, there should not be any problems. In addition, the combination of heart medications and erectile dysfunction should be avoided without the advice of a family doctor or a cardiologist.

Some infections

A type of infection that affects the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries is attached (pelvic inflammatory disease). Because it is manifested by intense abdominal pain and pain during intercourse, it is also among the diseases that greatly affect the sex life. Warning! If it is not treated properly, it can lead to infertility.

Premenopausal, menopausal or luteal women suffer from a fall in testosterone, a sex hormone. This is followed by a reduction in libido

Unfortunately, testosterone secretion decreases in women after more than 20 years. If the decrease in sexual desire becomes a persistent problem, you can resort to the advice of a gynecologist to follow a testosterone treatment.

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