What effect will Romania have on the controversial meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin?


The historic meeting in Helsinki between the US and Russian presidents will have major effects on relations between the states of Europe, but it will also influence US relations with the EU. Romania is part of the electricity grid modeled by the meeting between the two leaders and because it is a member of the European Union and part of NATO

Romanian politics, although we do not did not speak too often about this, is extremely sensitive to the balance of power in the region and the weakness of the United States, NATO or the European Union puts our country in a vulnerable position compared to the expansionist trend of Moscow.

After the controversial meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, the stupor in Europe, the unrest in the ranks of the American Republican Party and the revolt in democratic environments, there was a series of possible negative effects on Romania caused by this summit, but there are also some possible positive effects, notably caused by the strategic position of

Possible negative effects on Romania after the meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin:

1. Deveselu Anti-Shield Shield In fact, the entire device-based missile defense system in the Mediterranean, Romania, Poland, the UK and the launch detection radar system in Turkey is causing major headaches to Vladimir Putin. This system is considered a threat to Moscow, and the subject has been a place of honor on the agenda of the two presidents. Vladimir Putin made direct reference to him after meeting the US President

"A dangerous situation has been created with the world anti-missile system, the problems related to the implementation of the provisions of the INF Treaty (the Treaty on Non- -proliferation of weapons) "If Donald Trump wants to do him a favor to the Russian president," said Vladimir Putin, in front of the journalists in Helsinki,

can halt military investments in this system, may halt its development, although he will have to overcome the powerful opposition of the Pentagon and NATO, who see in this system a breakthrough of security which defends Europe and the United States against possible launches

In the context of the threats in Iran, North Korea and Russia, it would be a mistake to abandon a sophisticated and discouraging defense system for enemy ballistic missiles.

missile defense shield of Deveselu, a defense system that Vladimir Putin perceives as an aggression against Russia


It is hard to believe that the attack of the American president against Germany was not made with the idea of ​​meeting Vladimir Putin

Although the theme of the attack was the representative of the controversy surrounding the North Stream 2 pipeline, a German-Russian agreement, a topic to be discussed in the context of EU-Russia relations, the US President's attack was triggered at the NATO summit a few days before meeting the president The Russians have had for effect of creating a sense of disagreement among NATO members.

"Germany is totally controlled by Russia … They, the Germans, receive between 60 and 70% of their energy needs in Russia and build a new pipeline and tell me that everything is fine, I think this is not the case, "said Donald Trump at the beginning of the NATO meeting in Brussels that took place in the week before the meeting.

The weakening of this military alliance, of which Romania has been a part since 2004, directly signifies a weakening of Romania's security in the complicated context of the region created by Russia's annexation of the Crimean peninsula. in 2014.

3. Donald Trump again challenged Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty in an interview with Fox News shortly after the meeting with Vladimir Putin.

Donald Trump downplayed the importance of a member of NATO, the Republic of Montenegro, saying that US soldiers are not motivated to defend a state of 650,000 that could provoke the Third World War

The threat to Romania stems from the fact that discussions around collective defense create anxiety and citizens of newer or "smaller" member states can arrive at the conclusion that they are part of a club that they are only required to. offer (to pay) without receiving anything in return.

4. The situation in Macedonia, whose request to begin negotiations for NATO membership has been accepted after having reached a historic agreement with Greece concerning the change

We are at the beginning of an episode that bothers him Vladimir Putin, who is pressuring the Balkan state for not reaching his goal of being part of the alliance.

"Four Russian diplomats will be expelled from Greece after the authorities gather evidence that Russia is trying to strengthen opposition to the historical understanding between Greece and Macedonia, which could pave the way for the accession of this country to NATO, thus weakening the influence of Russia in the Western Balkans, "reports the British newspaper The Guardian on July 11.

Balkans are a threat to the security of Romania, and the involvement of Russia in the region will generate a series of political and social tensions in Greece and Macedonia in an attempt to block the spread L & NATO in its former sphere of influence

5. Strengthening an illegitimate alliance that could be a threat to Romania – it is the rapprochement between Hungary, Israel and Russia, three states led by populist and authoritarian leaders and with little respect for democracy

"I am happy I receive my friend, the Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, in Israel Relations between Israel and Hungary have become very strong in recent years and we will continue to consolidate them," said Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu before the meeting of Viktor Orban

During the meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, the problems in Israel and Syria were a subject of discussion, as Vladimir Putin reminded during the press conference . in Romania, Liviu Dragnea, the leader of the largest party in power, provoked a political crisis, trying to force the President of Romania to violate a UN resolution by moving

Possible positive effects for the Romania after the meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin

1. One possible effect is the appearance of a disconnect between US President and intelligence after the meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin

We recall that the US President at the press conference , joined the Russian leader, he publicly expressed his disbelief at US intelligence agencies and the American legal system, which created at least some perplexity in Congress, but also in public opinion

. "But I think we both made mistakes I think the investigation (on the investigation of Robert Mueller on the involvement of Russia in the US elections) is a disaster for our country I think it separated us, separated us, there was no collision, the world knows it. "Until now, I know nothing has happened. been linked to the campaign (the election campaign), and they will have to struggle to find someone who has done something wrong in the campaign.

Such a break between the president and the American political system is strategically advantageous for Romania, as our country is a NATO outpost in terms of resistance to Russian expansion. Thus, it is possible to wake up with a greater role in both the strategic partnership with the United States and within the alliance.

2. The fact that Romania has reached the 2% contribution rate to GDP in terms of defense system puts us in the situation of being out of the radar of Donald Trump, who made of this growing security finance calendar a political tool through which

The fierce controversy with Angela Merkel is that Germany, Europe's largest economy, has not not reached this level of contribution

NATO summit in Brussels was a failure because of the aggressive attitude of Donald Trump who criticized Germany for its energetic dependence on Russia , and because she has not increased her defense budget – Photo Hepta.ro

3. The meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin has created even more the feeling that the European Union must go it alone

In this context, Romania will be able to t be favored by the growing interest in the development of a common defense system. at EU level through access to non-repayable funds for infrastructure development, but also by accelerating the application of the concept of military Schengen, which means the creation of a unique system of transport networks for military equipment in the Union

4. By "the incredible offer", as Donald Trump told the proposal of Vladimir Putin that some people in the Kingdom And the United States could be studied by the Russians following a mutual agreement, tensions between London and Moscow will deteriorate even more, so that the interest of Britain to have very good strategic relations with Romania, a state on the eastern flank of NATO, will be bigger and more effective from now on

5. The meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin should result in an increase solidarity within the European Union which will also benefit our country.

Many European leaders have lost their trust in Donald Trump and, "Our hope is to convince Donald Trump that we are the closest allies of the United States and not enemies," said Martin Selmayr, Secretary General of the European Commission, comments on the departure of Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission in Washington

A few days after the failure of Donald Trump's tournament in Europe, the US President announces to Councilors that, the private discussion in Helsinki invited Vladimir Putin to visit the United States this autumn, a visit that is now unlikely to materialize

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