What Eugen Teodorovici says about the Facebook scandal


These days, a real scandal in Eugen Teodorovici's Facebook account has scandalized after an exchange of contradictory and acidic responses between the Minister of Public Finance (MFP) and his fans

But in the # 39; original story, I clarified the fact that it was not clear whether the answers given by Eugen Teodorovici belonged to him had been broken, and so

was possible [19659002] Moreover, Libertatea's journalists tried to get a point but by the time the news was published … Eugen Teodorovici had not responded to this scandal. In addition, after many attempts, he even closed his cell phone

. However, Minister Teodorovici told us – exclusively – that he had not published these comments and – as we suspected – counted. his Facebook was broken by hackers, saying he's already changed his passwords. Soon, he will have an official reaction, also on Facebook, on the subject that has upset his fans and the virtual world.

It all started from a minister's post on his Facebook page on the date on the occasion of the United States National Day, when Americans celebrate Independence Day. .

"From this foot of the Romanian plains that celebrates every day the centenary of its existence as a free and independent state and nation to give the American people a warm welcome to the people of July 4, day marked by joy to realize the ideals and aspirations of independence, unity, freedom and equality which, as in our case, were achieved with faith, with work, with struggle and, above all, with , with the ultimate sacrifice

Happy Birthday, America!

Happy birthday, Romania! ", he wrote on F acebook, but the following comments were devastating to him

Thus, Minister Teodorovici arrogantly treats the Romanians who criticize Facebook, telling them that" I have not heard from you. he should bow to his face, and others have offended him with formulations like "fripturist" or "papiots", but the climax was reached when he wrote to a user this message:

"I think yours has made it necessary and sure it was bad! Sincerely, with that face of … I do not know what term to use for a fact of … ", writes Teodorovici

Among other things, the minister was asked by the citizens what debt he has in the world. state and when he pays He replied immediately:

"Do not take after all idiots! I have no duty to the state! "I have no duty to the state, I have not graduated unduly and I owe nothing to anyone! I'm at least as good as you and all the good people, at least! ", Said Teodorovici.

 Print the screen on the Facebook page of Eugen Teodorivici with outrageous messages ]

In another message, he told a Romanian that he should take off his hat before him. "Mrs. Silviu Tatulescu, if you had at least one gram of wit … you should surely put your hat in front of me and from far and above close up!"
In other messages, he called the users "Dropped", "little papyrus" or "fripturistule" and told them that they would like to be "at least half of what I am … I meaning integrity. "He also said that the man who dictated it was not born when he was accused of saying" what Dragnea dictates. "

 Print the screen on the Facebook page of Eugen Teodorivici with some outrageous messages
The conflict erupted after Klaus Iohannis had to pay to the state about 1,2 million lei; Amount set by Minister Eugen Teodorovich

Only the Minister of Finance, Eugen Teodorovici, owes ANAF in 2016 to more than 73,000 lei, a backlog that he then acknowledged, saying that he would pay it when he could, recalls Adevărul, who declares that, meanwhile, the list of 2016, which shows the duty of Teodorovici, has been removed from the site.gov.ro. The list is not accessible by displaying the message "404 Not Found".

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