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SAINT ILIE 2018, TRADITIONS AND EXPENSES OF SAINT ILIE. St. Elijah the Prophet, Tesvitean, celebrated on July 20, was the son of Sovac, a priest of the Old Testament, who lived in the city of Tesve Galva (Israel).

Elijah enjoys a special honor on behalf of the Church, the day of his celebration being marked in red with a calendar that does not appear to any other prophet [19659002] Holy Prophet Elijah is one of the most interesting and complex figures of saints who can be considered an ecumenical saint because he is honest not only in Christianity, but also in Judaism and even in the Islamic tradition

Hundreds of years before the incarnation of the Savior, in the time of King Ahab, in the Kingdom of Israel in Samaria.

According to tradition, Sovac saw, at the birth of Elijah, men dressed in white robes who wounded his son in fiery clothes. They gave him a flame. The priests of the temple in Jerusalem interpreted the vision believing that Elijah had been chosen by God for his prophetic ministry.

The Old Testament recounts the actions of Elijah in the books called Kings, where we learn that St. Elijah arrives at the court of King Ahab and tells him that God will punish the people of the drought when they are dead. he does not deny the faith to the god Baal. And because the king and the people of Israel ignored those known by Elijah, it did not rain for three and a half years, explains the spokesman of the Romanian Patriarchate, Fr. Constantin Stoica.

St. Elias was forced to be hidden from King Ahab's wrath at Cherit Creek in Hozeva. According to the tradition of the place, there is the cave where St. Elias the Tesvitian stood for three years and six months before climbing Mount Sinai. In the cave of Saint-Elie is preserved its icon, in which the saint is represented as being fed by crows. "The LORD said to Elijah," Go from here to the east, and hide yourself at the brook Cherith, which is before the Jordan, and drink it with the water of it. torrent, and I ordered the crows to bring it there. "Elijah went and did according to the word of the Lord, and went to sit at the brook of Cherith, which is before the Jordan," is written in the Old Testament

The Corbis brought him bread and the flesh and drink water from the stream. Food was brought from the Temple of Jerusalem, where bread and meat were offered.

At the end of the drought years, in order to know the true God, St. Elijah proposed to the king to raise an altar on Mount Carmel, where to pray to God first his prophets Baal, and then he . It was the time when Elijah removed worship from the god Baal, and managed to bring fire from heaven on his sacrifice, which 450 Baal priests had failed to do.

The Holy Fathers say that Moses and Elijah were present at the change from Tabor to the Face, in order to realize the desire to see the face of God in the face changed in the light of Christ. In their earthly life, they could not see the face of God – Moses saw only the back of God on Mount Sinai, and Elijah withdrew into a cave when God passed through the wind.

His earthly, Elijah also committed sins, the greatest being the killing of his parents at the request of the devil. God forgave him, passed him among the saints, and ascended him to heaven in a cart with wheels of fire drawn by winged white horses
In heaven, Saint Elias roamed the clouds, thundering and shaking the devils with his whip. fire, you punished for the evil that caused it. And because the frightened demons hide on the ground by the trees, under the roofs of the houses, in the churches of the churches, and even in the bodies of certain animals, Saint Elijah is ashamed so as not to let anyone escape

When St. Elijah was celebrated, the girls went to the hemp-seeded fields, naked and naked, they rolled in the culture, then dressed and returned home. And if, the night of Saint-Elie, they dreamed of green hemp, it was the sign that they would marry young and handsome young boys. If in the dream they saw dry hemp, it was said that they were going to marry old men.

According to tradition, in the morning of St. Elias, medicinal plants, especially basil, were sown in the bridges of houses, under the roofs or in the cellars. And all Saint Elias, the plants used for spells and charms were collected.

The women brought basil to the church to be sanctified, after which they returned it to their homes, burned it and the ashes that resulted in it used for therapeutic purposes, when their children were blowing into their homes. mouths.

The tradition also says that it was not allowed to consume apples until July 20, and it was not allowed to these fruits to fight, so that the hail does not not fall, usually this being preserved today. Also on July 20, apples, considered as the fruit of St. Elijah, are brought to the church to be sanctified, believing that only in this way they will become gold apples to the next world. .

Also by St. Elijah, Romanians remember and the souls of the dead, especially those of children. The women called the foreign children under an apple, which they shook to give up the fallen apples.
The churches are full on this day with food for the memory of the dead (St Elias), and great feasts are held in the homes of the households

It was believed and believed and nowadays, if all the hazelnuts are sown, the fruits of the orchards will have worms

It is also said that after the day of St. Elijah, the great summer rains will begin

During this period, in the villages, beekeepers harvest honey from bees, an activity called cuttings of hives. The harvest of honey is done, and now, in many places, according to tradition, only by clean men, flesh and soul, dressed in festive clothes, helped by a child, and women are not allowed to enter the apiary. After harvesting the honey, the family, along with their parents and neighbors invited to this festive time, tasted the new honey and were honored with a honey brandy.

The day of St. Elijah marks pastoral summer even when shepherds go down for the first time to the villages after the sheep were raised to the sheepfold. On this occasion, the young or even the mature shepherds brought gifts to the beloved ones or to the women for wooden wheels, worked with a lot of pain.

In ancient times, it was customary to organize village community meetings. on both sides of the Carpathians, fairs, fairs and fairs, some preserved to this day.

In the region of Sibiu, Elijah is considered an angry saint who would punish those who work on July 20th. And as he knew him angrily, God never told him that it was his day, he reminded you not to bring fury to people, says the legend.

As a solar and meteorological divinity, St. Elias causes thunder, lightning and fire.

The feast of the prophet Ilie the Tesvitan is also the day of the Romanian aviator, the saint being considered, since 1913, the protector and patron of the airmen

SAINTE ILIE is the day of the celebration of the solar god (SAINTE ILIE) on July 20, considered the middle of the pastoral season. HOLY STRIKES, like San-George and Samedru, is a popular deity who took the name and date of the celebration of a Christian saint – the prophet Island. In the Romanian Pantheon, SAINTE ILIE is a deity of the Sun and Fire, identified with Helios in Greek mythology and Gebeleizis with Geto-If mythology, writes Christian-ortodox.ro. As a solar and meteorological divinity, SAINTE ILIE causes thunder, thunder, torrential rains and fires, binds and releases the rains, decides where and when to hail.

During his earthly life, Elijah committed sins, the greatest being the murder of his parents under the impulse of the devil, the sin that he had suffered in different ways, and for that God forgave him , passed him among the saints, and ascended I ask in a car with two or four winged white wheels. In heaven, SAINTE ILIE rains the clouds, bursts out and traces the demons with her fire whip to punish them for the harm they caused her. And, because the dreaded demons hide on the ground by the trees, under the streets of the houses, in the churches of the churches and even in the bodies of certain animals, the holy ILIE solemnly treats that no d & # 39; they do not escape

As a popular deity of the Sun and Fire, SAINTE ILIE is attested by many traditions, especially in pastoral environments

The day before, the girls went to the hemp fields (cannibals) at night, they were naked and naked, they ate the crop, then dressed and returned home. If the night of HOLY ILIE dreaming of green hemp was a sign that they would be married with a young and beautiful flame and they dreamed of dry hemp, it was said that they would be married to the elderly

On the morning of this day, curative plants, especially basil, were harvested, which were deposited in bridges, under stress or in camps.
The women brought basil to the church to be sanctified that day, then went back home, set it on fire, and the ashes were used for therapeutic purposes when their children were doing it. in the mouth.

It was not allowed to consume apples until July 20, and it was not allowed to these fruits to fight, not to beat the hail, which is still preserved today. hui. On this day, the apples (the fruits of SAINTE ILIE) go to the church to be sanctified, believing that it is only in this way that they will become golden apples to each other world.

By St. Elijah, the Romans also remember the souls of the dead, especially the souls of dead children. Women called foreign children under an apple, which they mixed to give up fallen apples. Thus, it is believed that the dead are happy.

The ritual scenario of the reorganization of time, specific to all major calendar celebrations, also includes practices to remember the dead. The churches are now filled with food for the memory of the dead (Mosii de SFÂNTUL ILIE), and large family celebrations are held in the homes of the owners.

It is believed and still believed today that if the SAINT ILIE all the hazelnuts will be emptied, and that the fruit in the orchards will have worms

Now, in the villages, Beekeepers were harvesting honey from bees, an operation called "hive cuttings". The honey harvest was made only by tired and fleshless men, dressed in festive clothes, helped by a child, women not having the right to enter the village. ;apse. After harvesting the honey, those who were in the house, as well as the parents and neighbors invited to this festive time, tasted honey and were honored with honey sweetened with honey. The festive meal was meant to beekeepers beekeepers and protect the hives from the flight of the mane and to turn into a real party with songs and games. It took a lot of attention, at this table there were not those who knew how to make charms and spells, because honey stolen on those big days "is more powerful in their charms and their spells. "

SAINTE ILIE marks the heart of pastoral summer, when shepherds were allowed to go down to the villages for the first time after the sheep were raised. On this occasion, young or even mature shepherds brought wooden belts to their beloved ones or their wives, worked with great shame.

In ancient times, it was customary to hold meetings of village communities on both sides of the Carpathians (called Nedei), fairs of SAINT ILIE, fairs and ballets , some of which nowadays. Within these events, which lasted several days and were considered good opportunities for young people, the atmosphere was inspired by music and the trade was made with pastoral products, household tools, tools and agricultural products. For the land of Sucevian, it is worth mentioning the famous ballet of HOLY ILIE of Falticeni which, after Scarlat Voda Calimach, was in 1814 the second largest in Europe after Leipzig. Two to three weeks before July 20, the streets of Falticeni began to gather mosaics from around the world, and calls and calls from merchants in Polish, Russian, Latvian, Czech, German, Hungarian, Turkish or Arabic were heard. Circus artists – acrobats, illusionists, fencers, motorcyclists who evolved around the wall and the world of courage – came to the ball on this occasion (comedy of the hill) – there were animal parks, gribiches of different shapes and sizes , puppet theaters, the wheel of luck, and many other attractions for curious people "on the hill". Gradually, the fair of Falticeni, as well as many other traditional events, have lost their importance today, trying to revive it at the Folk Festival "Sezatoarea".

Saint Elias
– does not work for fear of damage (traznets, rain, hail)
– the rays of the cure are chopped at dawn, crushed with coconut cut on it
– the rams go to the dilapidated
– if the tuna will be the apple and the lemon ;absinthe; if it rains, it will rain for 20 days
– the "Girls Fair on Mount Gaina" in Alba County

July 20 – Covasna
On Sunday the Moon "Sant Ilie in the Romans" – with a group of folk traditions of Sibiu County

Sacele – The Feast of Moly of Sant Ilie – Saturday and Sunday in the vicinity of St. Elias, in Poiana Angelescu

July 20 – Polovragi
"Nedeea de la Polovragi" – ethnofolcloric event and annual fair

July 20 – Falticeni
"Sezatoarea" – folklore show organized on St. Elias Day

July 20 – Bezdead, Gaesti
Annual fairs organized on Saint Elias Day

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