What is good and bad cholesterol?


About the good and the bad cholesterol, their importance in the good functioning of the heart and the whole body, but also analyzes, tests which we would need to know how we are with the cholesterol, entrusted Carmen Cardiologist Gherghinescu.

Good cholesterol and bad cholesterol

C.S.D .: We already know that high cholesterol levels mean an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Let's start by seeing what is really cholesterol?

Carmen Gherghinescu: Cholesterol is, in fact, an alcohol. It is one of the most important organic substances for the living cell, synthesized in the human body and used for many living cell functions, healthy and functional. It is used for the function of any cell. It is in the cell membrane, it is one of the important elements for the material that constitutes the nerve cells, the brain, the nerve endings. It is important in the synthesis of certain hormones, fat soluble vitamins, so we do not have to consider it as an aggressor, as an enemy. But there are other things that can make him an enemy of the human body.

CSK: Is there good cholesterol and bad cholesterol?

CG: To help people understand that in this area of ​​metabolic disorders is harmful and could be harmful to health, we have defined good HDL cholesterol, high density lipoprotein and low LDL cholesterol, That is low density lipoproteins. This distinction was made because LDL was found to cause pain in the arteries when it is in an increased amount in the blood

Under certain conditions, it is responsible for the formation of plaques. Arteriosclerosis on the arteries of the body, ie the heart, the brain, the kidneys. High density cholesterol (HDL) protects against bad cholesterol aggression, but ongoing studies are starting to question whether excessive HDL is protective. For the moment, we have no argument to change our point of view. In medicine, we also think a lot about the evidence we have.

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