What is not said about the serious incident at the Iron Gates


On Thursday, July 12, at approximately 4:40 pm, there was a fire in the Transformer Zone of Hydro-Aggregate 4, located on the outer deck of the Iron Gates I. Hydroelectric Plant Avaria appeared on a high voltage jar that connects the transformer with 220 kV power supply cable

The ISU teams from the Drobeta region were warned who, along with the operating staff of Hidroelectrica , have acted to limit the effects of the damage. Preventive groups 3 and 5 of the Iron Gates CHE have been arrested to create intervention conditions. The fire was extinguished at 5:30 pm. The officials of Hidroelectrica, the company that runs the hydroelectric plant, claim that, in the immediate future, they investigated the causes that caused the fire and assessed the property damage caused during the incident. . Gabriel Dumitraşcu, former head of privatization and craftsman of the Electrica list, says the accident has serious consequences. "Automatic nitrogen warnings and back-up facilities have not worked! Fire does not make available a hydro-aggregate for at least a week [Theprocessoroftheprocesshasbeenshutdownforalongtimenowonlygroupsandondailyworkisatleast170000euros/dayTheincidentisamajorconcernthatthereductionofmaintenancetoproductivepurposesisnotanoptionoflong-termcareinthefirstplaceintheleadershipafterthenecessarydecisionsinthecourseofevents"

Hidroelectrica, like the other Romanian-owned companies, are the prisoners of a policy started at the beginning of the year. last to seize at least 90% of the profit, compared to 50% so far. This has significantly reduced the investment and maintenance opportunities of companies. The 90% of the profit goes to the budget to support the electoral promises of growth of wages and pensions. Last year, Hidroelectrica achieved a gross profit of 1.6 billion lei, the result being the best in the history of the company. At the same time, the company only realized 32% of budgeted investments in the first half, a situation recovered in the second, when 90% of budgeted investments were made. Until recently, the share of rehabilitation was 4.5%, maintenance was 19.85%. In these circumstances, he no longer surprised anyone in the system that he was manufacturing a transformer

Two years ago, on the eve of December 1, the water chamber was flooded and the fish was floating in the corridors and stairs. Specifically, on November 30, 2016, around 11 pm, during the shutdown process of the 4th hydroelectric power station (HA4) of the Iron Gates 1 hydroelectric plant, one of the four ventilation valves) and the staff has acted according to the instructions and isolated the hydro-aggregate No. 4 (HA4). In a statement to the press, Radu Nuţă, director of Hidroserv Iron Gates, said the event could occur every second and other hydro-aggregates and that "this is not the first incident due to poor management of upgrades. "

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