What is Viorica Dăncilă doing in Thessaloniki


  What is Viorica Dăncilă doing in Thessaloniki "title =" What is Viorica Dăncilă doing in Thessaloniki? "Src =" https://media.realitatea.net/multimedia/image/201807/w728/213123123_38570900.jpg "style =" "" class = "responsive" />

<figcaption class= What is Viorica Dăncilă doing in Thessaloniki

Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă said Wednesday evening in Thessaloniki that he had talks with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Greek and Bulgarian Prime Ministers Alexis Tsipras and Boyko Borisov on the commonalities of the agenda but also on "I am very happy to participate in my fourth meeting in this format, which has proven useful in promoting our goals in the region. (…) Our discussions had a common ground both on the European agenda and in the areas of interest in the region (…), in the field of transport, of energy, but also and the Strategy for the Danube, I think the discussions in this format are bent on the existing reality in the region and I think that they can bring added value ", said Dăncilă in a statement with Greek and Bulgarian counterparts and the Serbian President, which was transmitted live on the Facebook page of the Romanian Government

At the same time, Dăncilă said that in the context of the Romania-Bulgaria quadrangle Greece-Serbia Thessaloniki, there was also a meeting of ministers of transport of the four countries.

"Today, the meeting of transport ministers took place so that we can identify joint projects in this area. We hope that in the next period of such meetings between the ministers will take place to have as many joint projects as possible at the regional and European level, "said the Prime Minister, he told Tsipras that Greece is" a key country " for Romania, and Borisov congratulated Bulgaria for the presidency of the EU Council

Source: agerpres.ro

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