What surprised and disappointed Marius Manole during the campaign "No Penalty": "Do you know which age category he signed the most?" VIDEO


Do you know which age class has the most signed? More than 60 years! The young people did not want to sign. It was our big shock, of all our colleagues, that the young people did not want to sign. Young people – say 20 to 35 years old. They did not want to sign! For fear of … not interested, "I'm tired, come from work, leave me and with that, go ahead, only change Romania!" Most old people who watched TV, they discovered their grandchildren on Facebook and came and said that they wanted to change the country! You would not believe it! We did not believe it either. Ask all your colleagues. Everyone was disappointed with this, and after that we also received the explanation from other friends who said: The political speech does not reach the 20-25-30 years old. This is not on their tongue. In a way to reach them! You do not convince them, "told actor Marius Manole at Digi 24's" Before You "program.

The Land of Fear and" Never Knows "

The Actor says that there are many people who signed the petition, but they are afraid: "I did not know how many people came to sign and come with the hat pulled and said:" Please be kind , person, i work in a public institution, please a lot, i want to sign, i believe in what you do, but please a lot, so i have a director who … please a lot …! ", said the actor. I think this fear is somewhere in our gene, the fear of authority, it's like when you drive and you say Aoleu, the police! Wait, wait, I did not do anything! We still have a fear, I do not know why – you lose your job, you will not be able to do it … "

At the same time, the actor said why he thinks more colleagues guild in this campaign

"I think that there is a fairly high percentage of colleagues who do not want to make this visible, because … you never know. We live in a country where you never know if the boss is angry, we live in a country where we never know if we get funding … More recently, the mayor is trying to To be very, very hard. ..). Most actors believe in this, most actors hope to change something in this country, there are mediocre people who want to hang on to this system that encourages mediocrity and civil servants, but otherwise, the actors of guild know we do we just do not have the guts to go a step further, "says Marius Manole.

How Happiness Meets Activism

I believe that the place of actors is on stage. This, in a just society. It's just that we do not live in such a world

Asked why he got involved in this campaign, Manole replied, "It was not a very easy choice, because I also think that the actors are on stage and an actor must not be very exposed and very militant.That, in a just society, in a perfect world where the country would be perfectly governed, in which there would not be of abuse, in which the world does not try to change the laws by force, overnight, in short, a world where everything is wonderful.We simply do not live in such a world, and we, the actors, are on the stage as we are, but then we have the right to go down the street, because we are taxpayers, troublemakers, whom the state sometimes confuses and sometimes even buzzes very badly.And then we chose to go down the street, not realizing that the actors have a v oix so strong, but if we have that voice, it's good to hear us, "says actor Marius Manole. "[19659905]

I miss all these messages:" Manole, you're a fool! "

The actor admits to having noticed that his political vision affects his profession, often disapproving to the public at the theater, but that does not discourage him.

"Somewhere, there is a fear, because when I play, I have people who swear on Facebook.There are many messages:" Mr. Manole, I loved you, I you Admire, now you're a trash for me! "We have some inverted messages, that's right, it does not scare me, it does affect me, it's true that somewhere all these I miss messages saying "Me, Manole, you're a bitch!" But then I open the TV and I see Ms. Viorica Dăncilă and I understand why I'm doing this and this second does not affect anything in this world! "emphasizes Marius Manole.

"When it comes to choosing politicians, you always have the right to criticize it." "It hurts people to understand that when you choose politicians, you have the right to criticize and to attract your attention. In Romania, it is a thought like: I chose them, we leave them for four years, that we chose them! Well, that we have chosen them, we have the right. You can not let a majority take the lead four years in a country! ", Said the actor.

The civic initiative" without public penalties "aims to collect 500,000 signatures, so that, as provided by law, it is possible to initiate discussions in Parliament with a view to organizing a referendum to amend the Constitution in this respect A few weeks ago, this campaign was joined by well-known actors in Romania.

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