What Syrian spies have recovered


Israel announced on Thursday that it had recovered from an "enemy country" the clock of a spy became famous after its execution in Syria in the 1960s, following an operation "recent" from his foreign intelligence service, 19659002] Eli Cohen is perceived as a hero in Israel since he was hanged on a public market in 1965 in Syria after infiltrating Damascus's ruling circles at the beginning of 1960s, written agerpres.ro

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Israel repeatedly asked Syria, with whom it is technically still in a state of war , to be able to recover The "humanitarian" remains of his spy, born in Egypt

"The watch of Eli Cohen was brought to Israel after a special operation of the Mossad which took place recently", declared the government Israeli in a statement.

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"After his execution on May 18, 1965, his guard was preserved by an enemy state," the government added, without specifying the country, although Syria is most likely to be the only one to protect it. ;be.

Mossad leader Yossi Cohen pointed out that the special operation had taken place this year, and that the surveillance that the former spy was carrying at the time of his capture was part of his "false Arab identity" ".

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This object will be on display at the Mossad headquarters until September and will then be handed over to the Cohen family.

The information obtained by Eli Cohen in Damascus is considered in Israel as playing a major role in the military conquest of the Golan Heights in 1967, largely occupied by the Israeli state and annexed in 1981. [19659002] Read: Attention! These are the most frozen glaciers

The Golan is considered by the UN as an occupied territory and its annexation has never been recognized by the international community

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