What was the urgency of the government on Tuesday? How will the packaging waste be treated?


Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă announced Tuesday the adoption of an emergency ordinance regulating the management of packaging waste. "

" The central objective of the measures introduced by this normative act is to increase the rate of recycling of waste and to place Romania on the European map of recycling and the economy In terms simple, the measures introduced by this emergency ordinance entail a change of approach to waste management, so that we have the habit of no longer treating the waste as something d & # 39; unnecessary but as a resource that deserves and must "said Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă at the beginning of the government meeting.

The Chief Executive added that GEO measures will be enforced from the 39 next year and that they would aim to "introduce performance indicators for sanitation companies and for sorting stations, as well as to encourage separate collection of waste at source"

" The role of each actor in the Waste management chain is also established, starting with the obligations of citizens, collectors, sanitation operators and ending with those of producers, recyclers and local public authorities. A step-by-step timetable has also been developed for the replacement of disposable packaging in the preparation of the European strategy for disposable plastic products ", explains Dăncilă

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