What's going on in the body if you eat too many lawyers


  What's going on in the body if you eat too many lawyers

What's going on in the body if you eat too many lawyers

The lawyer has many benefits, but consumed in excess can also have adverse effects. Specialists recommend regular consumption of avocados, but this food is not for everyone. If it is consumed too much, it can cause side effects, but some are very strange. For example, avocados are not recommended in large quantities for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

When it is consumed in excess, this food reduces the amount of milk produced. In addition, the baby can also suffer because it may have a very big problem stomach. Even people who are allergic to a range of foods should not overdo it with respect to avocados

This can cause serious skin problems, but also redness on the body, great itching, Eczema, but and hurt. Even if it is not eaten, but only comes into contact with it, lawyers can lead to such manifestations

What other side effects may occur in the body on clickpentrufemei.ro

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