WhatsApp makes the big announcement!


WhatsApp started to set up video sharing facilities for up to four people via mobile phone cameras.

Promised by Facebook in January, video conferencing is now launched for WhatsApp and will be available in the coming days for Android and iPhone users. Video conferencing transmission has been optimized to work in all conditions, including slower networks and poor signal areas.

WhatsApp representatives say that the quality of connection is not the only condition to be able to communicate with the application belonging to Facebook being an Internet connection. Another benefit that privacy or online reluctance for Facebook products will appreciate is the encryption of transmissions by the same protocol used and for written discussions

The big limitation is that only the more than four people can be connected to a WhatsApp videoconference. Although it is sufficient for most ordinary users, this limitation removes the commercial use of the system.

At the last official announcement made in February this year, WhatsApp had reached 1.5 billion users using the application at least. once a month At that time, Facebook announced that users are communicating audio via WhatsApp for an average of 2 billion minutes per day.

The audio communication via WhatsApp is available since 2014, and in 2016, users of this application can also communicate.


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