"When I miss him, I call him!"


Pepe, along with Minodora, Romică Ţociu and Sânziana Buruiană, form the team of stars who help Nea Mărin manage his restaurant on the Black Sea, during the third edition of the reality TV show "Poftiţi to Nea Mărin."

Happy to see Nea Mărin again, Pepe admits that he appreciates the energy and incredible lust that he shows every time. In addition, the artist says that he is often missed by Nea Mărin and calls him every time.

"I missed Nea Mărin.You have no other way.And when I have the impression that I miss him, I l & # 39; When I hear their voice, I charge with energy, otherwise you start the morning after you have spoken to it, " confessed the singer. (Read Pepe's wife, surprised in an embarrassing situation!)

Pepe is the help of Nea Mărin, and he, in turn, puts great hopes in the knowledge that the artist has already in management of a local: "This time they know more than I. Romica had restaurants, and Pepe's father also has a place, so I will take more care" Nea Mărin said.

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