When launching the collapsible Samsung phone and how much does it cost


Samsung is working on a foldable phone. As the possible release date approaches, more and more information appears on the Internet about this phone.

According to the details of the Wall Street Journal, the foldable phone will be launched early next year. It will have a 7-inch flexible display as well as another smaller screen that will be placed outside the device.

If it is already 7 inches, it is no longer a smartphone and it enters the territory of the tablet, but because it is you can fold, the new Samsung phone will probably easy to handle, just as you would now with a Samsung Galaxy S8 or Samsung Galaxy S9. It would use a flexible OLED display screen developed by the company's display division to provide an ultra-premium phone to attract people interested in this concept.

Other market information shows that Samsung is also working on curved batteries for this device. According to industry sources, the batteries used in the future Samsung Galaxy X will be collapsed and have a generous capacity of between 3000 and 6000 mAh.

The value should be as large as the size of the screen. It will be 4.5 inches when it is folded and 7.3 inches when the phone is open.

What is interesting and unknown until now is the price of the new phone. Well, the smartphone, whose code name is "Winner", will probably cost $ 1500 at launch. Quite under the $ 1,900 previously announced

The latest information published by Ice Universe, known to have made the right predictions, show us that we will see the collapsible phone before S10 at CES 2019. Then we will see S10 at the MWC in Barcelona [19659008] (function (d, s, id) {
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