Who are the stars who received a church award, including a former Miss Romania


Sounds on the Romanian musical, theatrical and cinematographic scene were on the list of church-honored personalities, alongside businessmen and representatives of the local public administration and national, some names being more or less controversial, through the problems they have or have with the law.

Although the distinction was made public on June 8, when four years of "pastoral care of the hierarchy Dr. Varsanufie" were celebrated, Daniela Nane and Corina Chiriac, two well-known personalities, publicly acknowledged their social accounts.

It appears from the posts that they have just received the distinctions: "With Daniela Nane at the same event.On the neck of the Cross, the Cross has just been received," confesses the singer Corina Chiriac. Nane also says: "On the occasion of the fourth anniversary of the inauguration of the High Priest Varsanufie in the episcopal seat of Ramnicu Vâlcea, I was pleased to be part of the invitations that received the Cross of the Râmnic. "

Until the publication of this material, we were not able to obtain an official view of the Archdiocese of Ramnic, to know what were the criteria fulfilled by the rewarded persons, and a press release on the site "To support the spiritual, cultural, administrative and socio-philanthropic activities of these four years, the High Priest Varsanufie, Archbishop of Ramnic, distinguished the Cross from Dinnu Săraru, Flor ian Marin, Prefect of Valcea County, Constantin Radulescu, President of the Valcea Council, Mircea Gutau, Mayor of the Municipality of Râmnicu-Vâlcea, Andra Bică, Inspector General of ISJ Valcea, as well as others personalities of the diocese of Ramnic for the rich, fruitful and useful activity of the Church and society. "

The writer Dinu Săraru gives more details about the meaning of the order of the church and what were the conditions that had been taken into account when he told him gave personalities in an article published in the Spirituality category in "Adevărul" last month

"The noble meaning of the Ranical Cross is charged with a resonant story for the development of the salvation of the Vâlcea monasteries, almost all related to the monuments of the Voivodes, which today constitute a hotbed of Christianity with no less than 43 monasteries, apart from the hermitage and schismatic settlements, "says the writer Dinu Sararu in Adevărul [19659007"TheCrossofRamnicisintendedtorecognizesometimesthesacrificeaswellasthededicationanddiligenceoftheorthodoxChristiansofVâlceaandVâlceawhohavenotsparedtheirfortunecontributingtothevalorizationandthetheconsecrationofthemonasticandmonastictraditionsodiverseofaclimateandadepositofspiritualitysupportingtheidentityofRamnicinthecaseofNewSeverinandthenArchbishopRamnicean()HehasconvincedthatthisnobledistinctiontheRâmnicCrosswillfindaprestigiousandmeritoriousplaceintherecognitionofworksandsignificantpersonalitiesforRomaniancultureandRomanianorthodoxy"writesDinuSăraru19659011]

With Dinu Sararu, member of the Academy of Scientists of Romania, Minister of Culture George Ivaşcu, a series of businessmen from Valcea, such as Anişoara and Ion Antonescu, Maria and Ion Tudor, Nicolae Sofianu, Irina and Radu Dobrescu, Irina Crăciunescu, Dan Mutu, Lucian Zmaranda and Iuliana Mateescu are also on the list of those who received Crucea Râmnicului and stars such as Corina Chiriac, Ozana Barabancée, Oana Sârbu, Chris Simion and Daniela Nane

Nane's link with the church of Vâlcea was welded two years ago when he got away from the eyes of the curious at the church of the city. Ramnic Episcopate with former Minister Adrian Cioroianu. The actress won the title of "Miss Romania" at the age of 19 in the first contest after the 1989 Revolution. Subsequently, in 1991, she also participated in the Miss Universe contest in Las Vegas. Instead of working as a model in Tokyo or Milan, he attended classes at the Bucharest Theater and Film Academy. He debuted at the theater with "Procust & # 39; s Bed" directed by Catalina Buzoianu and in the film "I Am Adam", directed by Dan Piţa.

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