Who is Boris Johnson's replacement at the head of the United Kingdom


<img alt = "Jeremy Hunt" title = "Jeremy Hunt" src = "https://media.realitatea.net/multimedia/image/201807/w728/dhshp5wxcaamgln_03136000.jpg" style = "" class = "responsive "

Jeremy Hunt

<img alt = "Jeremy Hunt" title = "Jeremiah Hunt" src = "https://media.realitatea.net/multimedia/image/201807/w298/dhshp5wxcaamgln_03136000.jpg" style = "" class = "responsive "

<img alt = "Jeremy Hunt" title = "Jeremiah Hunt" src = "https://media.realitatea.net/multimedia/image/201807/w298/dhsjz8mu8aaoflf_33948800.jpg" style = "" class = "responsive "

British Prime Minister Theresa May named Jeremy Hunt to the post of new head of the British Foreign Ministry after Boris Johnson resigned during the day, dissatisfied with a Brexit " Sweet ",

Jeremy Hunt age 51, was Secretary of State for Health and Social Assistance in 2012. Previously, he held a position at the Ministry of Culture in Government from David Cameron and has been part of the British Parliament since 2005.

British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson resigned on Monday, leaving the government after former Brexit Minister David Davis. The resignations come a few days after Prime Minister Theresa May got the support of prime ministers on the EU exit strategy.

"This afternoon, the Prime Minister has accepted the resignation of Boris Johnson as Foreign Secretary, his replacement will be announced shortly, and the Prime Minister has thanked Boris for his work," said a press release. from Prime Minister Theresa May's office.

David Davis, the British Minister of Brexit, resigned because of his disagreement over Theresa May. The resignation minister said in his resignation letter that "the current political and tactical trend" suggests "that it seems less likely" than Britain to leave the customs union and the single market of the United States. European Union

Davis Davis, a eurosceptic named two years ago at the head of a ministry set up a day after the British vote to leave the European Union, threatened several times In recent months, he will leave his post due to disagreements with Prime Minister Theresa May.

Conservative MP Peter Bo he appreciated that he "did a good thing", pointing out that the proposals of Prime Minister Theresa May did not have Brexit "but her name" and that it was "a good thing". they "are not acceptable."

These proposals, which Theresa May is expected to present on Monday British MPs, before sending them to Brussels, provide for the introduction of a free trade area and a new customs model with the 27 , to maintain a trade "without friction" with the continent, notes Agerpres.

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