Who is the Romanian kidnapped in Libya. His destiny, always in question


The attack took place when engineers left the housing area in the perimeter. They were heading to another perimeter when they were kidnapped. They were taken by car and their vehicle was found abandoned on the abduction site. In total, four people were kidnapped – three Libyans and one Romanian. Two were released later. The Romanians and another Libyan are still in the hands of the kidnappers, of whom there is not much to know.

Ali E, working in Tripoli, in one of the Sharara oil companies, where also works the Romanian worker, argues that it is not a group terrorist, but criminals.

Who is Romanian kidnapped in Libya

The Liby who spoke with Freedom claims that the Romanian was working for this company for 10 months. According to him, the Romanian calls Valentin. He was kidnapped alongside his Libyan colleague named Ashraf.

Ali described that the abducted workers were caught in a 4 × 4 car that started in lightning. According to sources, the vehicle went to the Libyan town of Ghat, located in the south-west of the country.

The cited source adds that the kidnappers may be linked to the local rebel group, which has no links with terrorist organizations. search for influence and money.

"I hope this is not a terrorist group because I was and I kept with two Serb men and an Englishman.I think this group is linked to the rebels of Libya " says Ali.

Other sources, quoted by Digi24, say that Romanian kidnapped in Libya comes from Ploiesti and has been working on the African continent for 15 years. E. argued that the place where the Romanians were kidnapped is not dangerous and that there are no active terrorist groups, but on Friday, two other Libyan engineers have were removed from the same perimeter but released on the same day.

Although the fate of Romanians is still questioned, one thing is certain: production in the region has been halted, which means 160,000 barrels a day

At the same time, Libyan security forces have launched an operation in the region, while in Bucharest, the MFA activated the crisis cell

the Foreign Minister Theodor Melescanu said that this case was brought to the attention of the l 39; Embassy of Romania in Tripoli

. a crisis which, as a matter of urgency, began to carry out fact checks. Given the specificities of the operations and the situation in Libya, the verification procedures may have a certain duration, "said the head of the Romanian diplomacy

" Our first priority is to check if the Romanian citizen has indeed been removed. The second priority – which among the many large groups in Libya have on their guard, "the minister continued.

This is not the first time that Romanians are kidnapped in Africa. One of them was held prisoner by the al-Qaida terrorist group for over three years and was taken hostage in Burkina Faso, and the authorities were not able to release him even before he was arrested. Recently, it appeared that he is now in Mali.

Not the only case.In 2013, al-Qaeda al-Islamists also took hundreds of hostages, including Romanians in a gas exploitation complex in Algeria.Most were released but two Romanians lost their lives during the assault of special troops


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