Why did Meghan Markle keep his hat during the Wimbledon competition? It was forbidden to wear it! | Celebrities-Celebrities Avantaje.ro


Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton were present during the weekend at the Wimbledon Tennis Tournament, this time, both appearing alone, without Prince Harry and Prince William. The photos captured during the event draw attention to the hat that Meghan Markle held in her hand throughout the Wimbledon competition, although this would perfectly complement the outfit the Duchess of Sussex chose to wear .

While Kate Middleton wore a simple dress with a classic cut, Meghan Markle opted for white pants, escaped, a white and blue striped shirt, and a white hat.

Why did Meghan Markle keep his hat in his hand

If major events require women in the British royal family to wear a hat every time, this time the choice made by Meghan Markle n & # Was not inspired. In the case of these sports competitions, ladies are prohibited from wearing hats as these accessories are rather bulky and may prevent those sitting at the back from watching the match, according to people.com. Thus, Meghan Markle had to hold his hat in his hand during the tennis match.

Those who analyzed his reactions are of the opinion that it was a very embarrassing situation for the Duchess of Sussex, who is the explanation of her seemingly smiling smile, considered by Thomas Markle as disturbing .

Open the photo gallery to see more photos with Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton

Bianca Hriscu

photo: hepta.ro

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