Why England is hoping for the world title. The detail that gives the right to dream • Fanatik.ro


England is hoping for the world title. After 1966, Albion burns and thinks that it is not a utopia. The echo of Gareth Southgate can only triumph or die in his hand. Because in front of the trophy of the World cup, there are only teams of the same continent. And the memories are those that feed more than any of these hopes for the country that gave football as a gift to the entire planet, but which paradoxically did not shine but a Once and only when he was host in 1966. [19659003] This is the fifth time in the history of the World Championships that the semi-finals will be one hundred percent European. In the previous four when this happened three times, Italy took the trophy to Rome. And the fourth team that became world champion was England. In 1966, the semi-finals were part of the old continent. Like now. And now, very importantly, the azzurri are sitting and watching the world right in front of the small screens. Because he took Sweden . Who Suedie will stand in the quarter before England

Why England is hoping for the world title. The absence of Italy counts enormously

And among all nationalities still in the race, Sweden can probably be the most dangerous. Because of the fun, no one among the Scandinavians thought for a moment that they could reach the top of the pyramid. From here a disciplined, decent, but free of any pressure. A big advantage in the psychological plan in front of everyone

  Why England is hoping for the world title. It's the absence of Italy and the fact that these are just European teams in the semi-finals
Why England hopes to win the world title. Italy in 19659010 In 1966, the reference year of English football in the semifinals came alongside England, RFG, Portugal and the USSR. The last two have had two big names in the history of football, Eusebio and goalkeeper Lev Iasin. England and GFG finished in the final after identical scores, 2-1, with Portugal and the USSR, respectively. The finals are known to have returned to England after a 3-2 draw, but rather a ghost of Hurst's shot, which Dienst left after seeing Bahramov. Today, based on VAR, this void has never existed and who knows how would have been writing the history of the 1966 title.

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Why l & rsquo England is hoping for the world title. The detail giving the right to dream

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