Why the International Mathematical Olympiad is organized in Cluj, not in Bucharest


Cluj hosts the most important educational event taking place in Romania on the occasion of the Centenary – International Olympiad Olympiad. The event will be attended by 615 young mathematicians from 110 countries, including the son of the Syrian president

The 12-day International Mathematical Olympics in Cluj will spend about 1 million euros

Organization of the event started 196 months ago

What was the main reason for the election of Cluj

"Cluj was not initially elected.There were five years ago, when the Romania received approval from the London Board of Directors, Bucharest was elected In 2016, Bucharest sent the ministry an address stating that it did not have the logistical and organizational capabilities The time when another solution was sought and Alba Iulia, Cluj and Iasi were in discussion.Assessments were made, Alba Iulia wanted a lot, the town hall of Alba wanted a lot, but the council of Administration said "step by step" because there are conditi we are asked: first of all, they did not have a competition hall. All 615 children must be in a room, then the hotels, because we are talking about 1200, 1300 people that you need to place under 3-4-5 stars. Here we speak only of official delegations, but if we think of families and other companions, the number is incomparably higher. Many academics coming to the commission come with their families. We took 8 hotels, all that is great, "said Valentin Cuibus, head of the school inspectorate of Cluj County, quoted by truthul.ro


International Mathematical Olympiad

Organization of the International Mathematical Olympiad

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