Why Trump must stop at all costs to understand Putin


Until July 16, things seemed to stay within the bounds of a normal pathology: Trump was guilty of everything that moved on the floor. But after meeting Putin, they took a cosmic turn. An apocalypse of hazna returned the seventeenth orange orange. The White House has become the Brown House.

"Idiot", "Idiot", "Jenant", "Antipatriot", "Idiot", "Traitor", "Imbecil", "National Shame"

"Idiot" … These are just some of the epithets with which politicians and spokespersons of the press were heard because they would have been introduced to Putin.

Former CIA chief of the Obama administration, John Brennan, called the trump treason charge: "Donald Trump's press conference (with Putin- na) has exceeded the threshold of "crimes and misdemeanors" (for which the US president can be charged – na) This was nothing but treason.not only were Trump's statements foolish , but Putin has everything in his pocket "

Democratic MP Steve Cohen went on, calling for a coup to overthrow Trump: "Where are the Soldiers?" The Supreme Commander is captured in the hands of the enemy! 19659013]

Even in the Republican camp there were indignant reactions: "It's the worst mistake of his presidency!" was the relentless phrase of Newt Gingrich.

Finally, what was Trump's "betrayal"? What are the "deeds and offenses" to which he was guilty? What is the "worst mistake of his presidency"?

"He acknowledged to the world that he believes more in Putin than in the United States and its agencies" explained NBC producer Chuck Todd.

Here is Trump's statement: "The President (Putin) firmly challenged Russia's interference in the US elections, and I do not see why I would not believe it" despite reports from the CIA, The FBI, and the investigation of Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller, which he described as a "disaster" .

The fact that Trump, frightened by the torrent of latrines poured into his head and the prospect of being indicted, was saying, saying that he had not said that. what he said, does not change the substance of the matter. And it's that Trump was right.

He was right in saying that the Mueller investigation was a disaster. For a year and a half this person has been investigating Russia's interference in the US elections and has not produced any evidence to date. On the contrary, it was filled with difficulties: he filed more Russian hackers for posting photos of Hillary Clinton on social networks as a devil, making "skanderbeg" with a "Christ" with muscles swollen with steroids.

All Mueller tried to blow up the Trump-Putin summit charging two days before the meeting in Helsinki, twelve Russian officers, members of the Army Intelligence Service, GRU, because that they broke the servers of the Democratic Party and published compromising information. In the indictment, there is even no evidence that the 12 Russians are in fact and do not prove the facts of which they are accused. Meanwhile, the servers of the Democratic Party disappeared without a trace.

Mueller's only "concrete" thing is a "compromising" record on Trump, made by a former British spy, Christopher Steele, at Hillary Clinton's command and money. The record states that Russia would have compromising evidence of the prostitution orgy Trump did in Moscow. Steele himself admitted to the US Congress that he had no evidence of what is in the file.

Are not all these elements sufficient to qualify Mueller's investigation of "disaster"

But the reports without any concrete evidence of the CIA and the FBI on the interference of Russia are they credible? The CIA was conducted at the time of the supposed mix of our older and hysterical John Brennan knowledge. The one with "high crime and crimes". The same Brennan who, in 1976, in the midst of the Cold War with the USSR, voted in the presidential election with Gus Hall, the candidate of the US Communist Party

If Russia's interference in the elections of 2016 really existed, it happened during the Obama administration. What did Brennan keep the CIA? But the FBI But the other "agencies" as the formula Todd? In the case of the FBI, the answer is simple: the Bureau was too busy blocking Trump's choice to seize any interference, be it Russian, exalted or alien. It is a proven fact, not a supposition that the head of the FBI's Contingency Division, Peter Strzok, is discussing the mail with his mistress, FBI Chief Justice Lisa Page, Trump & # 39; s ways of compromise

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