Wonderland Land near Antarctica: Colorful, foreign and protected marine landscapes


Photo description: Antarctica, seascape. photo: Greenpeace

The waters around Antarctica, rich in flora and fauna, discovered by recent underwater expeditions, will benefit from special local protection.

Research on the waters of Gerlache Strait and the Antarctic Strait, A Greenpeace expedition in January identified four "vulnerable marine ecosystems," reported the Press Association. Underground video footage Susanne Lockhart, of the California Academy of Sciences, during submarine expeditions, reveals an underwater world rich in corals, sponges, fish species, starfish and sea squirts

] Submarine Antarctic submarine

An analysis of the images of these undersized natural undersea Antarctic systems has been submitted to a working group of scientists from the Commission for the Conservation of Marine Life. Antarctica (CCAMLR). the need to protect these sites. Scientists will make a recommendation for official registration at the next CCAMLR country meeting to be held in October when a protected one-mile zone will be installed around each site, Greenpeace said.

& # 39; & # 39; I am extremely pleased and delighted that these areas are protected. The video evidence collected during this expedition is filled with rare and little known organisms. The seabed around Antarctica is truly a wonderland of biodiversity that is seriously threatened by the combined effects of overfishing and climate change . We need to protect this wonderful place before we lose what we do not even know we have, "Lockhart said.

Colorful seascapes, aliens

John Hocevar, marine biologist at Greenpeace, who flew the submarine used in exploration and collaboration on the report, said that the opportunity to see the diversity and the The abundance of species in these "colorful alien seascapes" was "incredible" and was pleased that because of this expedition these areas are protected

. We know so little about these remote waters that it is imperative to protect them before harming or destroying ecosystems that we have not even had the opportunity to study. Our findings add to a growing body of evidence that shows us why we need a network of oceanic sanctuaries in the Antarctic "he added. [19659006] Greenpeace is campaigning for the establishment of a network of protected areas in Antarctica, including a vast 1.8 million square kilometer sanctuary in the sea of ​​the Antarctic Ocean, the Weddell Sea , which could become the largest protected area on earth, according to the cited source. [19659004] See also: Alarming Pollution Antarctic Invaded by Plastics

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