YELLOW COD of torrential rain, NMA issued a new alert …


COD GALBEN Valid from 22:00 to 23:00

In the area: Botosani: Botoşani, Dorohoi, Ungureni, Hudeşti, Mihai Eminescu, Albeşti, Truşeşti, Ştefăneşti, Coţuşca, Suharău, Bălăşeni, Havârna , Cristeşti, Vorniceni, Curteşti, Rădăuţi-Prut, Răchiţi, Ibăneşti, Cristineşti, Avrămeni, George Enescu, Gorbaneşti, Manoleasa, Paltinis, Drăguşeni, Drăneşti, Nicăeni, Dobârceni, Corlăteni, Leorda, Mihălăşeni, Gădăeşti, Cordăreni, Viişoara, Hăneşti, Brăeşti, Săveni, Ripiceni, Conceşti, Văcăleşti, Romăneşti, Mitoc, Dimăcheni, Adaseni
Iasi County: Pascani, Târgu Frumos, Harlău, Belceşti, Deleni, Podu Iloaiei, Cotnari, Scobinţi, Lespezi, Hălăuceşti, Tătăruşi, Ruginoasa, Stolniceni -Prăjescu, Valea Seacă, Şipote, Erbiceni, Miroslovesti, Moţca, Vânători, Bălţaţi, Cepleniţa, Vl Dunes, Strain, Ion Neculce, Andrieşeni, Todosşti, Focuri, Cristeşti, Butea, Mogoşeşti-Siret, Sireţel, Lungani, Oţele nor, Brăeşti, Gropnita, Plugari, Hărna Caprei, Alexandru I. Cuza, Bals, Heleşteni, Hărmăneşti, Ciohorăni, Fântânele, Costeşti, Cucuteni

Signal: Local torrents that will accumulate 25 … 35 l / sqm , frequent electric discharge, short wind intensification, small hail

Initially, by the heavy rainfall code, 31 counties were targeted by the rainy code until 39; to Saturday evening, then the meteorologists have reduced the number of counties in which the dangerous phenomena will manifest themselves to 25, respectively: Alba, Arad, Arges, Bacău, Bihor, Bistriţa Năsăud, Braşov, Buzău, Caraş Severin, Cluj, Covasna, Dâmboviţa , Gorj, Harghita, Hunedoara, Mehedinţi, Mureş, Neamţ, Prahova, Sălaj, Sibiu, Suceava, Timiş, Vâlcea şi Vrancea

Until Saturday at 21:00, in all mountainous regions as well as in the south and the East of Transylvania, there will be long time with high atmospheric instability, which will be manifested by towers that will also have a torrential character, frequent electric discharges intensification of isolated wind and hail

The quantities of water will accumulate 25 liters per square meter at 50-70 liters per square meter

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