Romney Strongly Opposes GOP Plan to Reject Electoral Certification


Utah Senator Mitt Romney strongly opposes a plan that other Republican lawmakers are supporting to reject certification of presidential election results, attempting to further delay the official victory of President-elect Joe Biden.

Romney said this power of Congress is reserved for “the most extreme and unusual circumstances,” and “they are far from it.”

Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz released a statement on Saturday saying he and at least 11 other current and incoming Republican senators would reject official voter certification expected Wednesday, “unless and until a 10-day emergency audit. Of the election results can take place. The statement shows the results of the elections in 1876, when an electoral commission was appointed to resolve the dispute.

In his statement released Saturday afternoon, Romney said, “The blatant voter rejection ploy may bolster the political ambition of some, but dangerously threatens our Democratic Republic.” More Americans participated in this election than ever before and they made their choice.

Romney went on to say that in addition to the voice of the American people, lawyers for President Donald Trump have failed to make their case in court.

To date, no evidence of impropriety or fraud has been found substantial enough to reverse the results in any of the battlefield states.

Trump has yet to concede the race, the results of which put Biden clearly in the lead. Biden won over 7 million more votes than Trump nationwide and won Electoral College 306-232.

While the action is unlikely to change the outcome of the controversial 2020 election, it has the potential to lengthen an already lengthy process, which has led many to question the state of democracy in the country.

“If Congress really rejected state voters, supporters would inevitably demand the same every time their candidate lost. Congress, not the voters of the respective states, would choose our presidents, ”Romney said, arguing against the plan led by Cruz.

He also said the president’s call for supporters to assemble at the nation’s Capitol when certification is being decided has the “potential to cause disruption and worse.

“I could never have imagined seeing these things in the world’s largest democracy,” Romney said. “Has ambition so eclipsed principle?”


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