Ron DeSantis hits back at Joe Biden for “Governor who?” ” cut


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis hit back at President Biden on Friday after the Commander-in-Chief sneered “Governor who? When asked about the Republican’s mask and vaccine policies a day earlier.

“I guess I’m not surprised Biden doesn’t remember me. I guess the question is ‘What else did he forget?’ DeSantis said during an event at Chipola College in Marianna, Florida Panhandle.

“Biden forgot about the crisis at our southern border, I can tell you that,” the governor continued. “Biden has forgotten the inflation that is eating into family budgets across our country. Biden forgot about the protesters fighting for freedom in Cuba. Biden even forgot about the constitution itself, as we’ve seen with what he did with this moratorium.

“I can just tell you that I am the ‘governor who’ protects parents and their ability to make the right choices for their children’s education,” DeSantis said. “I am the ‘governor who’ protects jobs, education and businesses in Florida by not letting the federal government lock us in. I am the governor who responds to the people of Florida, not the bureaucrats in Washington. “

President Joe Biden speaks before signing a bill in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington on Thursday, August 5, 2021
DeSantis also said Biden overlooked the southern border surge.
Susan Walsh / AP

Washington and Tallahassee have been locked in a war of words since Tuesday, when Biden criticized governors, like DeSantis and fellow Republican Greg Abbott of Texas, who banned mask and vaccine warrants.

“If some governors are unwilling to do the right thing to beat this pandemic, then they should allow businesses and universities that want to do the right thing to be able to do it,” Biden said. “I say to these governors, ‘Please help me’. But if you’re not going to help, at least stay away from people who are trying to do the right thing. Use your power to save lives.

DeSantis hit back with the two barrels on Wednesday, accusing Biden of trying to “single out” Florida for its rise in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations.

“This is a guy who ran for president saying he was going to ‘stop the virus.’ And what did he do? DeSantis asked during remarks in Panama City.” He imported more viruses from around the world by having a wide open southern border “

The governor also accused Biden of wanting to emulate New York City’s broad vaccination mandate and said America faces a choice between remaining a free society or a “biomedical security state.”

“If you oppose parental rights in Florida, I’m blocking your way. I’m not gonna let you get away with this. If you’re trying to deny kids a proper in-person education, I’m going to stand up for you and stand up for the kids of Florida, ”DeSantis said. “If you try to restrict people, to impose warrants, if you try to ruin their jobs and their livelihoods and their small business, if you try to lock people up, I stand in your way, and I stand up for the people of Florida.

A poster advertising rewards such as subway cards for covid-19 vaccination is seen above the entrance to a subway station in New York City on July 18, 2021.
NYC will require proof of COVID-19 vaccine status in many indoor environments.
AFP via Getty Images

“So why don’t you do your job?” Why don’t you secure this border, and until you do, I don’t want to hear any noise from you about COVID, ”the governor concluded.

When Biden was asked on Thursday if he had a response from DeSantis, he dropped “Governor Who?” line before adding “this is my answer” and walking away.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki was in a more expansive mood on Friday.

“Our message continues to be that if you don’t want to follow public health guidelines, don’t want to use your role of leadership, elected officials, then you should step aside and let public health officials guide the localities, schools, universities to do – or local schools too – to do just the right thing.

Asked whether funding could be denied to Florida school districts that issue mask warrants in defiance of DeSantis’ recent executive order, Psaki replied, “As a parent myself of two young children … I want that. public health officials make decisions about how to protect my children, not politicians. And Governor DeSantis not only does not respect public health decisions, but he raises money because of it.

Passengers line up to take a COVID-19 test for travel abroad at the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport.
Passengers line up to take a COVID-19 test to travel abroad at the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport.
Marta Lavandier / AP

“So my point is that – and our point as an administration is that parents in Florida, parents across the country should have the ability and the knowledge that their kids are going to school. and that they are in safe environments, ”she said. added. “It shouldn’t be too much to ask. “

The ongoing feud could be a glimpse of a presidential campaign. DeSantis is widely regarded as one of the top contenders for the GOP nomination in 2024, especially if former President Donald Trump does not show up.


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