Rosario Dawson responds to Mandalorian lawsuit against trans


Dawson understands why “Star Wars” fans were initially concerned about his cast.

Gina Carano isn’t the only “The Mandalorian” actress at the center of a casting controversy. Rosario Dawson made her series debut this weekend in “The Jedi”, the fifth episode of Season 2, playing Ahsoka Tano, the fan favorite of “Star Wars”, but her debut in “Mandalorian” is arrived just over a year after the actress and her family were prosecuted for alleged transphobic assault. Rosario Dawson had previously called the accusations “baseless”, but opened up more to the issue in a new interview with Vanity Fair after her big “Mandalorian” introduction.

“Well, first of all, I just want to say I understand… why people were worried and worried. I would be too if I heard some of those claims, ”Dawson said. “But I mean, as we’re seeing now in the last few months, and just recently in fact, the truth is coming out. Every discrimination complaint has been dismissed by the person who made them, and like you said, the fact that it came from someone I have known since I was a teenager, the best part of my life, and who the family was trying to help as we have done many times in the past it makes me really sad. But I still have great empathy for him.

Vanity Fair reports that 18 of the 20 claims that were made against Dawson and his family were “voluntarily withdrawn without settlement,” and the accuser’s attorney dropped the case. Only two counts remain, both involving an alleged physical altercation between the family friend and Dawson’s mother. A Los Angeles County Superior Court will rule next month whether or not there is enough evidence regarding the last two counts to move the case forward.

“The reason all of the discrimination allegations were dropped is because they didn’t happen,” Dawson told Vanity Fair. “I was raised in a very inclusive and loving way, and that’s how I’ve lived my whole life. I have always used my voice to fight, uplift and empower the LGBTQA community, and use my platform to channel trans voices, into fiction and non-fiction works that I have produced and directed. So I think the record is really clear.

As for how Dawson came to “The Mandalorian,” it all started with a cast of fans on social media. As rumors began to circulate that Ahsoka Tano would move from animation to live action, “Star Wars” fans caught Dawson’s attention by posting illustrations of her in her character.

“Someone tweeted me and a fan threw me out,” Dawson said. “I retweeted back and was like ‘Absolutely yes please’ and ‘#AhsokaLives’. And apparently that caught the attention of someone in the ‘Star Wars’ press. For years. She passed it on to Dave Filoni. That kind of thing started it all. I was like, ‘Oh my God, did I just involve a fan?

The fact that “Star Wars” creator George Lucas was visiting “The Mandalorian” while filming his first episode added pressure to Dawson’s debut in Ahsoka. “I was really scared and it was great to be there with him and Dave [Filoni]Said the actress. “I mean, it’s a lot of pressure. But it was also a lot of fun. Both were looking at me but they weren’t, you know what I mean? They watched their imaginations come to life.

Head over to the Vanity Fair website to learn more about Dawson on his episode “Mandalorian”. The second season of the “Star Wars” television series debuts every Friday on Disney +.

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