Rose McGowan says she’s ‘proud’ of Marilyn Manson’s accusers


Rose McGowan said she was “proud” of Evan Rachel Wood and the other women who came forward on Monday February 1 with their abuse allegations against Marilyn Manson.

In a Twitter message on Monday, McGowan wrote: “The Hollywood cult, celebrity and the music industry must be stopped from protecting predators and selling their disease to the world. Their disease has a more distant reach than a nuclear bomb. When those at the top help the monsters for profit, they hurt us all. “

In an accompanying video, McGowan said, “I am deeply sad today and disgusted, but most of all I’m proud. Proud of Evan Rachel Wood and the others who came forward against Marilyn Manson, my ex. McGowan said his experience with Manson was different from what the musician’s accusers described, but added, “It doesn’t matter whether he’s like this with others before or after.”

McGowan continued, “It takes time to come forward. And once again, I am proud. Proud of women and anyone who opposes an abuser. They steal time. They are time eaters. They steal lives. They steal hopes, dreams, freedom, sexuality, love.

In a statement released Monday, Wood accused Manson – real name Brian Warner – of treating her as a teenager and “horribly mistreating” her.[ing] me for years. Following her post, several other women have brought similar charges of sexual, physical and emotional abuse.

Manson denied the allegations, calling them “horrific distortions of reality,” in a post on Instagram. He added, “My intimate relationships have always been entirely consensual with like-minded partners. Regardless of how – and why – others now choose to distort the past, it is the truth. “


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