Rotten Tomatoes Attempts to Fight Trolls by Changing Their Rankings – TechCrunch


Rotten Tomatoes makes some changes to prevent trolls from attacking movies before they are released.

The aggregator of opinion (owned by Fandango) recently announced that it will no longer allow users to post comments on a movie before it is released.

This seems self-evident and occurs less than two weeks before the release of "Captain Marvel", the latest blockbuster movie targeting online commentators who are apparently unhappy that movies are no longer focused exclusively on white heroes . (Despite this, "Captain Marvel" seems to be a hit for Marvel and Disney.)

"Unfortunately, we have seen an increase in non-constructive contributions, sometimes to the limit of trolling, which, in our opinion, is detrimental to our general readership," says the site. "We decided that disabling this feature for now was the best course of action."

The site also states that it no longer displays a "Want to See" score for a movie, which is supposed to become confusing for the "Audience Score" – which, again, does not show up. shows that once the movie is out.

"Do not worry", rotten tomatoes "Fans will always have a say" once the film is out. So, if a group of reactionary idiots still believe it's the best place for their SJW speeches, they'll have a chance – but it'll make it a bit harder for them to affect the buzz around the movie before it's released.


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