Round Up: ANTHEM PS4 Reviews Falter


ANTHEM PS4 PlayStation 4 1

ANTHEM did not take a particularly impressive start, we are afraid. In our preview, we wrote that BioWare's big-budget booty shooter had to be much, much better at launch – and despite the patch commitment, critics are not really thrilled that the developer of Mass Effect has delivered so far.

We should note that the review process on the PlayStation 4 was irritating because the absence of EA Access on the Sony console means that we were waiting for the entry of the exam code. We are waiting for it very soon, but that means that the majority of the verdicts published so far have been written with PC code. It is worth keeping in mind.

What bothers me most about Anthem is that the game is at the center of the road, even with so much time and money spent by Bioware and EA. The gameplay is nothing unique if it's the occasional use of your character's jetpack and even that is no use if it's beyond the races between the areas of the map. Those who are desperate for a loot-based team have probably already pre-ordered Anthem and may find it more fun with organized groups of friends, but I doubt that those who play alone will avoid the frustrations I experienced and should save their money for something more unique.

I would like some things to be different, but I wish to play a hymn beyond the scope of this article. It does not change the way it works, not far away, and if you've had a few of them before and put them in the gutter, you'll probably do the same here. BioWare will need to build quickly over its glittering base powered by a jet to retain people's interest, but people looking for a new neighborhood in which to settle might want to try Anthem – now or after patches and updates.

IGN – 6.5 / 10

Anthem has an energetic fight, but he avoids too much of the precious content he has for the finals, which makes the game through his story mismatched a tedious repetition.

The anthem has good ideas, but it has a lot of trouble performing. It's a cooperative game that works best without anyone talking. he buries truly interesting moments of character and brings to the fore his most incomprehensible stories; his fight is exciting until you get the boss fights and your wings are cut. Even the simple and exhilarating flight of flight is often interrupted by the limitations of your javelin, and you never shake that feeling of disappointment – to know, in the good parts of Hymn, that you will inevitably crash.

Has the muted critical reception dissuaded you from buying ANTHEM or are you still interested in EA's heavyweight? Fly into the comments section below.


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