Round Up: Assassin’s Creed Valhalla critics sing its praises


Assassin's Creed Valhalla PS4 PlayStation 4

It’s this time again: another Assassin’s Creed title should be released in a few days. Assassin’s Creed Valhalla takes the franchise into the Age of Vikings, and the first round of reviews has started to take over the web. What do critics think of Ubisoft’s massive action RPG?

Well, it seems like the consensus is, if you’re familiar with Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, it’s more or less the same. A huge open world map to explore, dozens of hours of useful content, and combat. We’ve picked out a handful of reviews to give you an idea. As for our verdict on Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, don’t worry – it will be there as soon as possible.

I loved Assassin’s Creed Odyssey of 2018 (especially after its post-release support), but that love has always been tempered by a desire for improvements. I wish the content was more carefully organized. I hated squealing to get the story going. I got tired of handling a bloated loot inventory. Assassin’s Creed Valhalla addresses all of these issues and more, creating a rewarding experience at every turn, whether you’re continuing the main story or looking for treasure. I’m sure Valhalla isn’t the perfect Assassin’s Creed game for all gamers, but it’s definitely my favorite new entry.

With a sprawling world to conquer and bloody combat, but also the ability to use that iconic hidden blade, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla brings a triumphant balance to the series.

Despite its close connection to previous games, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is more than capable of fending for itself. It takes a bit of time to build momentum, but when it hits its stride, Valhalla is a confident Assassin’s Creed title that takes a few narrative risks that, on the whole, pay off. Eivor is a good hero with an identity that drives the mystery behind the main narrative, and she shines in the self-contained arch structure of the story of Valhalla. The supporting cast might not shine as brightly, but it’s easy to forgive that exploring England and finding new world-building nuggets is so rewarding.

IGN – 8/10

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is an important, bold and ridiculously beautiful entry in the series that finally responds to the much-requested era of the Viking and the messy political melting pot of the Dark Ages of England. It draws a fine line between historical tourism, high-level conspiracy theory and veiled mysticism in the context of a grounded and focused history. New takes on several of the series’ established loot and quest systems help keep things fluid and nuanced, though progression may require some refinement. There’s also a bigger than usual horde of bugs and imperfections to fight from start to finish. But while he may not be the most elegant or the most refined, his rugged and brutal take on the muddy affairs of the Scandinavian expansion is as memorable and dense as an Assassin’s Creed has ever been. , and it makes great use of the new consoles.

Valhalla’s detailed and understated research is somewhat undermined by a somewhat tipsy execution. But it’s a hearty, debauched viking feast of a game that turns a great story and offers plenty to do.

Valhalla is another huge, richly crafted Assassin’s Creed saga with the focus on story direction rather than narrative choice.


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