Round Up: Realms Deep 2021 – Every Game Coming To Nintendo Switch


3d realms
Image: 3D Realms

3D Realms – the legendary publisher behind series like Duke Nukem – hosts Realms Deep 2021 this weekend. As part of that, there have been a number of world premieres and updates on some fan favorites.

This even includes some Switch-related announcements – so we’ve put everything (including the trailers) together into one post. Enjoy!

Cultic – 2022

3d realms

Cultic is a Horror Themed Shooter with Classic Visuals and Modern Fighting Developed by Jasozz Games and Published by 3D Realms, Today Launches Free Shareware Episode Featuring the Game’s First Map on PC . Investigate the horrors of mid-century Northwest America in a shooter built with sprites and voxels reminiscent of the 90s on PC, Xbox Series X | S, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and more. Nintendo Switch in 2022.


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