Royal photographer Arthur Edwards: Prince Harry ‘has just been incredibly miserable’ since Meghan arrived


Royal photographer Arthur Edwards told America Reports on Monday he was “absolutely shocked” to hear Prince Harry describe his deteriorated relationship with the British royal family in an interview with Oprah Winfrey.

“The only thing about Harry was that he was always fun, he was still family,” recalls Edwards, who spent more than four decades as a photographer for The Sun newspaper. “He and his brother[Prince William]they learned to ski together, they learned to fly planes together, helicopters together and they were just inseparable until Meghan arrived, then things start to fall apart . ”

Buckingham Palace has remained silent after the bombshell interview, in which the royal couple made several revelations about their private lives.

“I don’t remember Harry being mad at the media, but since Meghan’s arrival he’s just been incredibly miserable,” Edwards said. “He won’t say ‘Hello’ to you and he won’t recognize you. He treats the press like telegraph poles and ignores them completely. We were taking great pictures of him and his wife, there were no nasty pictures. or paparazzi chasing them through the streets of London. It was a very peaceful life, but it’s all out now and I’m so upset. “

Edwards went on to express his disappointment at Prince Harry’s actions during a global pandemic.

“As he fed his chickens and drove around Los Angeles in an open-top bus, the Prince of Wales [Prince Charles] and William, the people he rejected, worked incredibly hard in the vaccination centers, “he said.” Health workers, hospitals, they never stop during this terrible pandemic which has ravaged this country where thousands of people have lost their jobs. , and they’re committed to making people’s lives better, and then Harry leaves like that. I was so angry with him. “

Host Sandra Smith recalled covering Harry and Meghan’s royal wedding in May 2018 at St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle, noting how much things have changed in just two years.


“The first 18 months were phenomenal,” agreed Edwards. “She [Meghan] was so good. And I was saying this on TV, I said that this girl is a great ambassador for our country and has brought a new store in the minds of the royal family. And in the last three or four months, things have gotten so bad.

“That last job she did [was] at Westminster Abbey on Commonwealth Day [March 9, 2020] when she … went straight to the airport, didn’t even … More ”


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