Rudy Giuliani has just declared that it was the season of foreign influences


Rudy Giuliani's interview on CNN last night, in which the president's personal attorney thundered about a presumed corrupt market that former vice president Joe Biden concluded in Ukraine, was a master class in pathology of the extreme right. Some claimed that the US media was "the enemy" and that the alleged plot involving Biden and Ukraine was also spreading to right-wing ghosts like George Soros. There was the notion that a "deep state" had encircled its allies in the media to stifle information that billions of dollars would flow directly into Biden's coffers, while the Obama administration was threatening the danger. Ukraine retaliated if it did not investigate Donald Trump himself.

In a weird year, this one was an unusually strange moment.

Giuliani's claim, however, was a new reality that Americans on both sides of the political aisle will have to face in order to move forward. In the United States, Kiev, Moscow, and Beijing and elsewhere, we all watched the president's personal attorney on television, admitting that he had been pressuring another government for that. " he opens an investigation into a presidential rival, and this, with the actual blessing of the sitting president himself.


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