Rudy Giuliani told Trump on election night to just say he won


Have you ever been so pissed off that you tried to persuade a president to falsely declare victory in an election? No? Well, according to a new book, that’s what Rudy Giuliani was doing on election night. the Washington post posted a revealing excerpt from the latest behind-the-scenes account of the final days of the Trump presidency, Only I can fix it: the catastrophic last year of Donald J. Trump. He says that on election night “some people thought Giuliani might have been drinking too much” when he came up with a bold strategy for Trump. “Just say we won,” Giuliani reportedly told Trump’s team, explaining that they would just have to declare victory in every state of the battlefield. Giuliani then reportedly said directly to Trump, “Just go and declare victory right now… You have to go and declare victory now. An anonymous Trump adviser later recalled how annoying Giuliani’s intervention was, explaining, “It’s hard to be the responsible parent when there’s a cool uncle who takes the kid to the movies and drives him around. in a Corvette. “

Read it on The Washington Post


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