RUMOR: A trilogy revived by Spyro arriving at Switch on September 3, 2019, playable by Spyro in Crash Team Racing: powered by nitro


We have a very special double rumor for you today, and the source is … us! We have an informant who has contacted us to share this information, and we feel confident. I've read the previous tips from the source over the years and I'm going to be screwed up if they were not on the spot. We are talking about sharing information after advice, and they all failed.

As I said, this is a double rumor, but the two little things concern Spyro. First, we learn that the Spyro Reignited trilogy will be routed to Switch. Many fans have considered this as obvious, especially considering that a whole page of Nintendo UK was dedicated to the game on their online store at one point, to be quickly removed afterwards. It seems that the time has finally come to talk about this port, which should touch Switch on September 3, 2019.

On top of that, Spyro will also participate in the next Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled. He will put the wings in a kart and will become a playable character. We do not know exactly how to get it, but we only have basic knowledge about its appearance, which is playable in the game.

You will not have to wait long for a confirmation on these treats. Both would have revelations at the E3 of this year, so we'll know it next week!

LARGE Thanks to our anonymous source for info.


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