Rumor: Pokémon Diamond and Pearl remakes to be revealed for Switch next month


Pokemon Diamdon and Pearl

Next month, February 27, it has been 25 years since the original Pokémon Game Boy titles launched.

It also happens to line up with “Pokémon Day,” and as usual, there will likely be a special presentation to go with it. So what can trainers around the world expect if there are big announcements?

Spanish fan site Centro Pokémon says sources close to the project have confirmed DS title remakes Pokémon Diamond and Pearl are in development and will be revealed next month. Here’s a rough translation, courtesy of Google:

“Pokémon Center can confirm that, according to sources close to the company, remakes of Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl, originally released in 2006 for the Nintendo DS, are in development for the Nintendo Switch.”

These new versions apparently habit be like the Pokémon: Let’s Go games released on Nintendo Switch in 2018, and will be closer in style to the original DS versions of 2006.

Insider Pokémon Many – who is also the webmaster of Pokekalos – confirmed these last statements. A few days ago, they also mentioned how a Direct Pokémon would play out next month.

Would you be interested in returning to Diamond and Pearl on the Switch? Leave a comment below.


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