Rumor: Raw / SmackDown Advertiser Change, WWE Network Levels, Storm


To speculate on rumors surrounding professional wrestling is a favorite hobby of many fans, perhaps the second to watch only matches. In this daily column, we examine the latest rumors emanating from the wrestling rumor mill.

Important reminder: Rumors are just that – rumors. None of this has been confirmed as information or a legitimate fact, it is circulating in rumors. We follow the accuracy of the rumors in a weekly article called Rumor Look Back that you can find here. Remember, take it all with a grain of salt.

Rumors of the day:

  • according to WrestleVotes, SmackDown could be modified at Fox, especially regarding the return of stands of two people.
  • They say that one of the big changes proposed would be Michael Cole as SmackDown's play-by-play voice, with Vic Joseph taking that role on Raw.
  • PW Insider has heard of a multi-tiered WWE network to be launched in January 2020.

  • The site expects Evolve, ICW, Progress and possibly Chikara to be available on the top level. They heard that WWE had contacted other companies about partnerships, including lucha promotions in Mexico.
  • Toni Storm should be on the leading NXT brand, said Insider.

If you have heard of interesting rumors that you want to add, do not hesitate to post them in the comments section below. Just remember that these are rumors that are not confirmed, so take them as such. Have fun with that. And check out our weekly rumors right here track the frequency with which the rumors are correct.


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