RuneScape celebrates its 20th anniversary


On this day in history, January 4, 2001, RuneScape was born. Yes, yes, from 2021 it feels old now, doesn’t it? The developers of Jagex have planned a big party to mark the game’s 20th anniversary with an entire year of celebration, questing, and nostalgia. If you’ve been trotting around Gielinor in any browser of your choice since the turn of the millennium, you’ll barely recognize the world this celebration takes place in.

“Two decades later, RuneScape has grown into one of the oldest online games in the world, having been played continuously for 7,306 consecutive days,” Jagex said of the big anniversary. It’s been a lot of days. As to prove it, the celebration of RuneScape begins today with a big month-long party hosted at Lumbridge Crater – a location that was added to the game in 2013, despite being near the town of Lumbridge in which you may remember starting. kinda like hearing my younger siblings recount fond memories of high school teachers who didn’t arrive until after I graduated.

The celebration of the quests is the first week of the January holiday, says Jagex, which is witnessed by faces as familiar as the wise old man and the sandwich woman. almost as old as the game itself. You may remember your early adventurous days. The former will be handing out birthday outfits and capes, as no good game celebration is lacking in its own collectible themed costume. It’s all up there, dashing and everything. For my money, an all-black, gold, and silver outfit is definitely a tribute to early years MMO fashion.

More of the celebration kicks off later this month, January 25, with a quest titled Foreshadowing. This is the first clip in the Once Upon A Time four-part anniversary questline that will take place throughout this year. Old School RuneScape is not left out either. Old school players will start their festivities this Wednesday, January 6. They’ll also have a birthday cape and Gnome Child dedication for their chapels to unlock as they roam some original RuneScape locations alongside Green Gnome Child to battle demons and dragons and the lot.

So what is RuneScape’s secret to surviving the older years of an MMO’s life? Well, he’s been reinventing himself for years, to begin with. In 2009, Kieron (RPS in Pieces) spoke with Jagex about the history and future of RuneScape (then). Since then, it has continued to make updates, including the new engine in 2016 and a Steam launch in October of last year.

If RuneScape manages to falter to a 30th anniversary, imagine celebrating the anniversary. I guess ten years from now they will have fond memories of characters and events from the rich year 2023, right? Here are many more, RuneScape.

If you jump into these festivities, you can check out the rest of the anniversary details and today’s patch notes in Jagex’s post.

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