AOne study suggests that erobic exercises, such as running, swimming and cycling, can reverse biological aging, but strength training has little impact.
Scientists are monitoring the aging speed of the body by studying protective caps located at the end of chromosomes, called telomeres, which preserve intact DNA and repair the proper functioning of the systems.
As humans age, telomeres become shorter, leading to cell death and disease. But a new study from the University of Leipzig, Germany, revealed that after six months of regular aerobic exercise, the telomeres had grown by 3.5%. On the other hand, people who do bodybuilding do not see any lengthening.
Scientists believe that endurance training can mimic the behavior of our ancestors when it comes to traveling, fighting or flying.
Those who participated in 45 minutes of aerobic exercise three times a week also had three times more telomerase, an enzyme that maintains the telomeres long and healthy, compared to those who underwent resistance training.
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