Russo Bros has considered the heroes of Marvel's Netflix television


The rendering by an artist of what is basically every image of War of Infinity It would have to look like if all the TV heroes were also taken into account.
Photo: Marvel Studios

War of Infinity already requires a boat (or six) characters. Something had to give – and this donation came mainly in the convenient form of anyone attached to a Marvel television show.

The seemingly endless discussion of the tenuous links between television and Marvel's films reached its peak with the release of War of Infinity, a film that deals almost entirely with the fusion of as many Marvel movie stars as possible (and, you know, killing half). So when do not have If you add Daredevil or SHIELD agents, this seems to be the closest thing to Marvel Studios open admission, that everything is not as connected as they would like you to think.

But, during a Collider screening and Q & A on the film last night (in the presence of Peter Sciretta of the film), the Russos said that they were considering at least adding Great little Marvel screens in the movie, but they had a very reasonable answer. because as to why they ended up not doing it. It was just …a lot. Too much in a movie that might as well be called Avengers: My God, a lot of things are happening:

Honestly, that's good! Given how much work War of Infinity to unite only the characters in the film, which makes the work much more difficult by integrating complete series of TV shows (which would then have to be presented and explained to the public) is a challenge of which the Russo brothers do not want to do. did not need.

And this before taking into account the logistical nightmare of planning between filming and television and aligning everything in continuity. And then there are the ramifications of what happens at the end of War of Infinity will have an impact on more than a year of TV show scenarios. All this suggests that something must yield, and honesty, television being what to give, makes more sense for Marvel's films than the other way around.

Marvel's TV and movies are very animated scenes that will almost never be linked together by distant nods and winks (mostly on the television side) at this point. If there is a way to get them to meet, it will be great. But he will probably not be in a crossover movie at the awesome smorgasbord like War of Infinitybecause all of this is just … well, a lot of work already.


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