Ryan Saunders gets a Wolves coaching position


– and he keeps Ryan Saunders as head coach.

A source confirmed at the Star Tribune that Rosas and Saunders are finalizing a contract for Saunders to become the coach of the Wolves.

Saunders became the interim head coach after his owner, Glen Taylor, sacked his former coach and president, Tom Thibodeau, on Jan. 6. Under Saunders, the Wolves scored 17-25 and missed the playoffs, but Saunders has a strong relationship with players like Karl-Anthony Towns and Andrew. Wiggins with Taylor, who also owns Star Tribune.

Saunders, 33, would become the head coach permanently, but that decision went to Rosas. He interviewed several outside candidates for the position.

After taking office, Rosas had no mandate to keep Saunders or general manager Scott Layden, whose future with the team is still unknown.

Return to startribune.com later to learn more about this story.

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