Sacramento sues 7 men in business district


The city of Sacramento brought an unusual action to ban seven men considered a "public nuisance" from a busy commercial corridor.

The lawsuit alleges that the men are "drug addicts, intruders, thieves … and violent criminals" who have illegal arms and ammunition and have forced the police to devote an "excessive amount" of resources to the Broadway corridor .

Municipal prosecutor Susana Alcala Wood lodged a complaint with the Sacramento Superior Court on August 9, according to a copy published online by The Sacramento Bee.

The lawsuit includes statements from local businesses and homeowners, who claim to have been threatened.

Alcala Wood said in a statement Sunday that such lawsuits are not appropriate in all situations, but this case warrants prosecution. She said that this type of trial will be filed only with the support of the district.

"The city of Sacramento will seek injunctive relief when criminal activity in one region will have become excessive compared to similar neighborhoods, and other law enforcement remedies have not yielded results," he said. she said. "In this case, residents and businesses in the Broadway Corridor have been subjected to ongoing criminal activity by a relatively small group of people, and the goal of the lawsuit is to address this issue head-on and protect the safety of all those involved. live or visit the surface. "

The complaint is filed against Sean Conner, Michael Dibiasio, Dimitriy Gologyuk, Troy Green, Kelvin C. Peterson, Joseph Soto and Kenneth Whitlock. Some men are thought to be homeless and efforts to reach them on Sunday have been unsuccessful. It was also not known whether they had lawyers who could comment on their behalf.

"Homelessness is not a crime and this lawsuit is not trying to make one," said Mayor Darrell Steinberg in a statement to The Bee. "What the city is trying to do is to protect the public safety and well-being of the residents and businesses of the Broadway Corridor who have been subjected to ongoing criminal activity by a relatively small number of people. , some of which are also homeless. "

The trial seeks an injunction that would prevent men from being in the designated area "at all times". The city claims that unless men are banned from the area, their activities will continue to "cause serious and irreparable harm to residents and businesses," who have "suffered emotional distress in the form of fear, fear, and fear." 39, intimidation and anxiety ".

Sacramento Civil Rights Lawyer, Mark Merin, told The Bee that he would fight the lawsuit, calling it a "huge assault on civil liberties".


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